When it comes to kettlebell workouts, there are a lot of options out there. You can do them for time, for reps, for weight, or for any number of other variables. In my new-and-updated-for-2022 Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts course, I use all of these variables and more in your done-for-you, pre-written, copy-and-paste kettlebell workouts to be sure that your clients get amazing results doing them, have fun, and refer all their friends!
A chipper workout is a type of workout where you complete a large number of repetitions of several exercises, one after the other, with little to no rest in between.
Chipper workouts are typically quite challenging, but they can be a lot of fun too!
The perfect recipe for your kettlebell boot camp 🙂
Give this one a try, then be sure to pick up a copy of my new-and-updated-for-2022 Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts course when it drops later this week:
Kettlebell Boot Camp “Chipper” Workout
Do three rounds of:
- 30 box step ups – share box with partner and alternate
- 10 burpees, on the minute, every minute, for 3 minutes (30 total)
- 10 goblet squats, on the minute, every minute, for 3 minutes (30 total) (recommend weight 12-16k W – 24k M)
- See saw press – 2 sets of 15 (30 total)
- Recline rows – 1 set of 30
- Walking lunges – 1 set of 30 (15 per leg)
- Hanging leg raise – 3 sets of 10, alternate with partner, you-go-I-go
- 30 jumping jacks
If you enjoyed this Kettlebell Boot Camp “Chipper” Workout, stay tuned! My new Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts course, designed specifically for trainers, coaches, and hardcore KB fans, will be released later this week. You won’t want to miss it!
-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
SFG-Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Owner, FVT Personal Training (gym in Sacramento, CA)
Owner, KettlebellBasics.net (online / worldwide)