Happy Halloween!
What better way to get into the spirit than by doing a Kettlebell / Barbell Frankenstien Workout?
You see, two of the most popular pieces of equipment in the gym are the kettlebell and the barbell. They both have their own unique benefits and can be used to achieve different fitness goals.
But what if you could Frankenstein the two together to create the ultimate workout?
Enter the Kettlebell / Barbell Frankenstien Workout. This workout combines the best of both worlds to help you build strength, lose fat, and get in the best shape of your life.
Try the Kettlebell / Barbell Frankenstien Workout as written below, then stay tuned for Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle, my six-week “Hybrid” Barbell / Kettlebell / Bodyweight solution for strength and muscle course, going on sale later this week!
Kettlebell / Barbell Frankenstien Workout
PART 1 – Perform five reps of the back squat at ~75-77% 1RM.
*Rest ~ 30 seconds, then:
Perform a 20 second plank side hold on each side.
*Rest ~60-90 seconds; repeat rotation three more times for a total of four rounds.
PART 2 – Perform three rounds of the circuit below, moving quickly from one exercise to the next and resting as little as possible:
- One hand KB swing – 8 reps per side – (recommended weight – 8k/12+k (women); 16/20+k (men)
- 10 walking goblet lunges (per leg) (recommended weight – 8k/12+k (women); 16/20+k (men)
- 6 plank-to-push up EACH SIDE
Attempt this Kettlebell / Barbell Frankenstien Workout, and then be on the lookout for Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle, my six-week “Hybrid” Barbell / Kettlebell / Bodyweight solution for strength and muscle development, which will go on sale this week!
-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Over 40 Training Specialist