Kettlebells are great for working your abs and core muscles, but there are extra things you can do if you want to focus on this area specifically.
It may sound strange, but many people have extremely weak “deep abs”, leading to a “pooch belly”.
By doing this short, 30-second “ab vacuums” trick daily, you can actually PULL in your stomach, causing it to FLATTEN out and shrink your waist!
The great thing is that, when done regularly, this simple exercise can shrink your stomach 1-2 inches – WITHOUT changing your diet or adding any workout program. They even help to strengthen your core and support a healthy back.
Here’s a quick and easy way to do ab vacuums (instructions):
— You can do them standing, seated (like in a car), kneeling in a four-point position, or even lying flat on the floor.
— The movement is as easy as pulling your belly button in as far as you can by pretending you’re trying to touch your belly button to your spine. Hold for 10-20 seconds at a time.
— Start by taking a deep breath in. As you exhale, start pulling the belly button in towards the spine and hold it there while taking short breaths. Repeat for several of these 10-20 second holds, around 5-10x if you have enough time. But even just repeating 3-4x can really make a difference over time!
If you found this helpful, there are 100 more abs / fat loss tricks like it at the link below:
-> 101 Sneaky Weight Loss Tricks
You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference it makes when you combine a few of these together and how much faster you can reach your goals!
I know from personal experience that all the little things add up when I’m trying to get in top shape.
Let me know how it works for you if you decide to give it a try! –
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach
Kettlebell Specialist