The Tense-Relax Stretching Method: An Informal Guide

The Tense-Relax Method is a quick way to gain muscle flexibility. You alternate between tensing and relaxing muscles in a certain sequence. It’s one of the big things emphasized in the Hyperbolic Stretching program that helps you do the full splits in 28-30 days without a warm up.

I’ll give you a brief explanation of what’s going to happen in your body as you go through the stretching exercises – then go check out the full routine here:

1- First, get into your stretching posture and stretch as far as you can go.

What happens here is that the myotatic reflex takes over and makes the stretched muscle tense, so you can’t stretch any further.

But with the Hyperbolic Stretching method, you consciously tense the already stretched muscle… and then something called the reverse myotatic reflex happens. This means your neuromuscular system will let you stretch a little further.

2- After a few seconds, release the conscious tension and move about half an inch further into the stretch.

3- Then, tense the stretched muscle again consciously, and another reverse myotatic reflex will occur.

4- Once again, release the tension and move a bit further into the stretch.

5- Repeat one or two more times until you reach your maximum stretch.


What you’re really doing with the tense-relax protocol is affecting and changing your neuromuscular memory system.

After a few weeks, your body will relearn and replace the old tension reflex with a reversed-tension reflex, making it possible to stretch all the way down to a full split.

The precise exercises you need to do, how to do them, how often, and much more is in the full program.

But hopefully today’s article gives you a better understanding of how the Tense-Relax Method works and why it’s so successful in producing quick results.

Click here to check out the Hyperbolic Stretching program now.

And all the best with your success!

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist

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