Kettlebell FGB Style “Basement Badass” Workout

— If you enjoy this Kettlebell FGB Style “Basement Badass” Workout, then I have more for you to check out. The program is called the Metabolic Madness Workout Bundle, and it’s hundreds of quick-hitting, fat-torching KB workouts like the one I’m sharing with you today. Learn more here –>>

Normally I like to hit the gym first thing in the morning, but we got a big winter storm overnight. So instead, I decided to do a basement KB workout today.

You can’t go wrong with the “Fight Gone Bad” – style format. (The Fight Gone Bad workout is a popular CrossFit workout that consists of three rounds of five different exercises done for 60 seconds each. The goal is to complete as many reps as possible in each round.) You’ll hit all your major muscle groups with this one, finish off with some targeted ab work, and get some cardio too!


Kettlebell FGB Style “Basement Badass” Workout

WARM UP – Do each move for approx 30 seconds at low-to-medium intensity; no rest between moves;
do 2 rounds total:

– Seal Jacks
– Leg Swings
– Spider Climbs
– Bodyweight Squats

PART 1 (FGB-style KB circuit) – Do each move for 60 seconds at medium-to-high intensity; rest 0 seconds between moves; rest 60-90 seconds between rounds; do 4 rounds total:

– Two Hand KB Swings (go heavy as possible; put KB down for a few seconds after every 5 reps)
– Spiderman Push Ups
– KB Goblet Split Squats (switch legs 1/2 way)
– Heavy Resistance Band Hammer Curls
– Total Body Extensions

PART 2 (abs circuit) – Do each move for 30 seconds at medium-to-high intensity; rest 15 seconds between moves; no rest between rounds; do 3 rounds total:

– HardStyle Plank
– V-Sit Hold

COOL DOWN – Hold each stretch for 30 seconds:

– Standing Quad Stretch
– Lying Hamstring Stretch
– Lying Twist


If you enjoy this Kettlebell FGB Style “Basement Badass” Workout, then I have more for you to check out.

The program is called the Metabolic Madness Workout Bundle, and it’s hundreds of quick-hitting, fat-torching KB workouts like the one I’m sharing with you today.

Learn more here –>>

– Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Specialist

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