When asked to recommend equipment for a home workout setup, my first suggestion is always kettlebells. Not only do kettlebells enable you to build lean muscle and burn fat within 20-30 minutes, but they are also very compact.
But the second item that I often recommend is a suspension trainer. Suspension trainers are incredibly versatile and portable pieces of exercise equipment, suitable for beginner, intermediate and advanced bodyweight exercises like push ups, squats and lunges. Plus, they provide an instability which promotes functional movement and core stability––making them an ideal supplement to your kettlebell training.
If you’re looking for an all-inclusive program with various exercises that compliment your kettlebell training, then I highly recommend Suspension Revolution 2.0. This course provides 27 full suspension training workouts and 191 suspension exercises to choose from!
Try this 24-min Kettlebell + Suspension Trainer Total Body Workout workout inspired by Suspension Revolution 2.0, then go get the full program at the link below:
-Forest and the FVT Team at KettlebellBasics.net
24-min Kettlebell + Suspension Trainer Total Body Workout
PART 1 – Get as many rounds as you can in 7 minutes of:
- 12 KB Goblet Narrow-Stance Squat
- 8 suspension trainer knee tucks
PART 2 – Get as many rounds as you can in 7 minutes of:
- 20 suspension trainer rows
- 10 alternating lunge jumps OR 10 quick alternating reverse lunges / w/ explosion
PART 3 – Do the following circuit 2 times, resting for 60 secs between circuits. Each exercise is to be performed for 45 seconds, resting 15 seconds between moves:
- Two hand KB swings
- suspension trainer side planks (22.5 secs per side)
- Side to side lunges
- suspension trainer ab roll outs
*See detailed descriptions of how to perform the moves listed in today’s workout plus MANY more in the full Suspension Revolution course HERE.