Kettlebells are unique, and the 21-minute “The Terminator” KB Challenge is a prime illustration of their effectiveness.
If you give it a try, you’ll experience the advantages of combining resistance training and cardiovascular conditioning into a single intense workout.
*If you like today’s workout, you can get my “300” Kettlebell Challenge course FREE with your purchase of Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0! Offer is good for this week only. Details and order now at the link below:
-> Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0
“The Terminator” – 21-minute KB/BW EMOM
1 – Set your timer to go off every 60 seconds.
2 – At the top of the first minute, perform 10 one hand KB swings per side.
3 – Your rest is the time between your last rep and when the next 60 second interval starts.
4 – Repeat in the same fashion with 15 push ups (second minute) and 8 burpees (third minute).
5 – At the top of the fourth minute, go back to the swings, and repeat for a total of seven rounds of the three moves. The full workout should take you 21 minutes.
One of the biggest benefits of kettlebell training is that you get total body strength, mobility, and conditioning – ALL at the same time!
That’s also why they are AWESOME combining with barbells so that you can get as strong and musclular as possible, while also staying lean and athletic.
If this interests you, check out my Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0 course. This is the ultimate program for helping you learn how to effectively combine barbell and kettlebell training. You also get a free copy of my “300” kettlebell Challenge course with your purchase. However, this offer is good for a short time longer, so you need to sign up now if you want in. Click the link below:
–>> Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0
Here’s to your kettlebell training success!
-Forest Vance,