17 Minute Kettlebell PHA (peripheral heart action training) – Sample Workout

I used to believe that spending hours at the gym was necessary to achieve my desired results. Years of competitive sports ingrained this belief in me.

However, when I retired from professional football in 2005 and lost 70 pounds in just 8 months, I realized that my approach to training could be different if my goal was to look good, feel good, and maintain good health.

That’s when kettlebells came into play. For over 15 years now, they have been a crucial component of my fitness routine.

And here’s the best part – I still incorporate kettlebell training into my workouts today, constantly evolving my methods. My latest experiment involves something called Kettlebell PHA.

Kettlebell PHA combines cardio and resistance training strategically, providing a comprehensive full-body workout in just about 17 minutes. This type of training emphasizes alternating upper and lower body exercises with minimal rest in between. As a result, your blood flows rapidly throughout your body, increasing calorie burn and potentially reducing body fat while building lean muscle mass.


17 Minute Kettlebell PHA (peripheral heart action training) – Sample Workout

Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 40 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds between moves. Rest for 60 seconds between rounds. Do 3 rounds total:

1 – Single Arm KB Swing (20 seconds per side)
2 – Plank-to-Push Up
3 – KB Tactical Lunge (alternate legs each rep)
4 – Single Arm KB Row (20 seconds per side)
5 – Up-Downs


Kettlebell PHA (peripheral heart action training) is the real deal when it comes to getting the most out of your workout. It’s all about combining cardio and resistance training to burn fat, gain muscle, and save time. It’s perfect for those of us who are over 40 but still want to train like an athlete with kettlebells!

The Ketllebell PHA Challenge opens up tomorrow, Tuesday, July 25th, 2023, so make sure you stay tuned because this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.

— Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Specialist

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