KB-PHA 2.0 Challenge starts Monday, July 31st – Sign Up Now: https://bit.ly/KBPHA
Ready to take on a new challenge? It’s time to amp up your fitness routine with this 15-min Kettlebell PHA (Peripheral Heart Action) AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) workout!
This high-intensity session will get your heart pumping and your muscles burning in just 15 minutes. And don’t forget to sign up for the KB-PHA 2.0 Challenge starting Monday, July 31st. Get all the details here: [https://bit.ly/KBPHA]
Get as many rounds as you can of the circuit below in 15 minutes:
- 8 Double KB Rack Squats (if only one KB, do single KB rack squats and do 4 per side)
- 6 KB Renegade Rows per side (if only one KB, elevate hand on box / bench / etc… also be sure to include a push up after each row rep!)
- 8 KB Goblet Lunges per side
- 8 Burpees
KB-PHA 2.0 Challenge starts Monday, July 31st – Sign Up Now: https://bit.ly/KBPHA
-Forest and the FVT Team – KettlebellBasics.net – ForestVanceTraining.com
#kettlebellworkout #peripheralheartaction #AMRAP #fitnesschallenge #workoutmotivation #kbpha2.0 #getfit