KB Boot Camp Chipper Workout

When it comes to kettlebell workouts, there are a lot of options out there. You can do them for time, for reps, for weight, or for any other variable. In my Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts course, I use all of these variables and more in your done-for-you, pre-written, copy-and-paste kettlebell workouts so your clients get amazing results, have fun and refer all their friends!

A chipper is a type of workout where you do a large number of reps of several exercises one after the other with little to no rest in between.

Chippers are tough but can be a lot of fun too!

The perfect recipe for your kettlebell boot camp 🙂

Try this one out then grab a copy of my Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts course with the bonuses this week:

Kettlebell Boot Camp “Chipper” Workout

Do three rounds of:

  • 30 box step ups – share box with partner and alternate
  • 10 burpees, on the minute, every minute, for 3 minutes (30 total)
  • 10 goblet squats, on the minute, every minute, for 3 minutes (30 total) (12-16k W – 24k M)
  • See saw press – 2 sets of 15 (30 total)
  • Recline rows – 1 set of 30
  • Walking lunges – 1 set of 30 (15 per leg)
  • Hanging leg raise – 3 sets of 10, alternate with partner, you-go-I-go
  • 30 jumping jacks

If you liked this Kettlebell Boot Camp “Chipper” Workout my Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts course is on sale this week. Learn more:

–>> Next Page

-Forest Vance
MS, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
FVT Warrior Wellness (studio in Lee’s Summit, MO)
KettlebellBasics.net (online / worldwide)


I remember the first time I got introduced to the Turkish get-up (TGU).

It was during a kettlebell training session with a coach who was obsessed with this exercise.

I was skeptical.

How could this weird, complicated movement help me in my fitness?

But as I committed to doing TGUs regularly I started to notice big changes.

I felt stronger and more coordinated and the chronic shoulder pain I had for years started to disappear.

It was a game-changer for me and now I have to share the benefits.

Here are 7 reasons why Turkish get-ups (TGUs) are good for reducing pain, moving better, recovering and feeling amazing:

  1. Full Body Engagement: TGUs work multiple muscle groups at once, shoulders, core, hips and legs. This full body engagement helps improve overall strength and stability and reduces pain by supporting good posture and movement mechanics.
  2. Mobility: The movement pattern of TGUs requires and increases mobility in the shoulders, thoracic spine, hips and ankles. More mobility in these areas reduces stiffness and pain associated with limited range of motion.
  3. Core Stability: TGUs require significant core activation to stabilize the body in various positions. More core strength and stability means better spinal alignment and less back pain and more efficient movement.
  4. Functional Movement: The TGU mimics natural movement patterns like getting up from the ground, which translates to better functional strength in daily activities. Better functional movement reduces the risk of injury and discomfort in daily tasks.
  5. Joint Health: The controlled and deliberate movements in TGUs improve joint stability and strength, especially in the shoulders and hips. Strengthening these joints prevents injuries and reduces pain associated with joint instability.
  6. Coordination and Balance: TGUs require coordination and balance which improves proprioception (awareness of body position). Better coordination and balance prevents falls and injuries and a pain-free and active life.
  7. Active Recovery: TGUs can be used as a low intensity exercise on recovery days to promote blood flow and muscle engagement without overloading the body. This active recovery reduces muscle soreness, enhances recovery and leaves you feeling refreshed.

Doing TGUs will get you huge improvements in pain reduction, movement quality, recovery and overall feeling.

AGE 40+ – New for 2024: The 28-day REGENERATE Challenge

Reduce pain, move better, recover and feel amazing with just 3 x 20 minute sessions per week!

I’m Forest Vance, former pro football player and kettlebell expert.

The 28-day REGENERATE Challenge uses exercises like TGUs to increase mobility, build strength and support joint health.

Get weekly workout plans, live video sessions and a private group.

Sign up now and get bonus workouts, sport yoga and mobility cheat sheets:


Feel better and pain free now!

5×5 Kettlebell Challenge – Week 4 / Workout 1

The original 5×5, a classic strength training protocol developed by Bill Starr in the 70’s is for building both strength and size through 5 sets of 5 reps on chosen exercises. This is a time proven way to build power and mass.

Now we’re going to give the 5×5 a modern twist with kettlebells –> 5×5 Kettlebell Method for Strength + Muscle

Here’s how you can do it:

5×5 Kettlebell Challenge – Week 4 / Workout 1

PART 1 – Do 5 reps of the first exercise. Rest 60-120 seconds. Do 5 reps of the second exercise, rest 60-120 seconds. Alternate between the two exercises for a total of 5 rounds. Once you can do 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise, it’s time to progress – change your tempo, reduce rest time, choose a harder variation or increase the weight:

– Single / Double KB Press (5 reps per side) – Single / Double KB Swing (5 reps per side for single arm swings / 5 reps total for double swings)

PART 2 – Do 5 reps of the first exercise. Rest 60-120 seconds. Do 5 reps of the second exercise, rest 60-120 seconds. Alternate between the two exercises for a total of 5 rounds. Once you can do 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise, it’s time to progress – change your tempo, reduce rest time, choose a harder variation or increase the weight:

– Single / Double KB Row (If no heavier weights are available, do 10-15 reps for rows) – Single / Double KB Squat

PART 3 – Do the following circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after the circuit. Do the circuit 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds, rest 1 minute between each round:

– Total Body Extension – 30 seconds – Push-up Plank – 30 seconds – Lying Bridge Hold – 30 seconds – Jumping Jack – 30 seconds

Watch the video that shows you how to do this workout here:

With the Kettlebell 5×5 Method you’ll use the classic 5×5 template but you’ll use kettlebell exercises which will help you gain strength and size, build your core, mobility and avoid injury all at the same time.

Learn more on the next page:

–> Kettlebell 5×5 – July 2024 “Lean and Jacked” Sale

— Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Specialist

Lose 12% in 12 Weeks with Kettlebells – Last Call

This is your last call for my “Lose 12% of your Bodyweight in 12 Weeks with Kettlebells” transformation program.

Check the document linked at the bottom of this email for more info and to sign up.

If you are aged 40 and up.. and if you are looking to rapidly lose body fat and gain new lean muscle using 3-4, 20-30 minute kettlebell workouts from home each week.. this program is designed specifically for you.

In case you missed any of the info I’ve shared on this program over the last couple of days, here is what you get with this program:

1 – The complete nutrition blueprint, customized to you

I have been working on these as they’ve been coming in over the last week. They are a LOT of work because the plans are customized to each person!… but that’s why they work, because I take YOUR specific calorie requirements, macro needs, food preferences, preferred meal timing, and much more, all into consideration.

Here is a sample of what one of these customized meal plans would look like: https://archive.aweber.com/awlist6203988/MFELs

2 – A full 12 weeks of daily kettlebell workouts

When you sign up, I give you a full 12 weeks of the exact kettlebell workouts to do to lose up to 12% of your bodyweight. All you have to do is log into my app, watch the quick video breaking down your workout for the day and/or read over the details, then mark “complete” when you’re done to keep you accountable and on track!

Plus, I’m always there if you need help with exercise subs, form tips, or anything else!

Here is a sample of what a workout in the program might look like: https://archive.aweber.com/awlist6203988/JALns

3 – Access to Saturday Kettlebell Strength Camp series (runs month of June and July 2024, Saturday mornings at 8 am CST) live, real-time kettlebell workouts with Forest and team (live or recorded)

This is a fun way to attend some live workouts with me and/or my team and keep you motivated and working towards your goals! Folks who are signing up for this program individually will be paying $99, you get it FREE as part of your registration.

4 – Physical copy of Forest’s CORE Kettlebell Challenge book shipped to you (free shipping within the continental US)

This is just an extra little freebie bonus as my way of saying thanks – this is a $25++ value when you factor in shipping, I’m picking up the tab for free when you sign up right now today.

Here are the rest of the details and the sign-up link for the Challenge: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14e6d7jog_1zaInM_X3Gt3xnV_Kb41qqr/view?usp=sharing

Questions? Concerns? Reply directly to this email and I’m happy to help.

Look forward to working with you on this!

-Forest @ KettlebellBasics

New Video – the Kettlebell Plank Drag

New Video – the Kettlebell Plank Drag -> https://youtu.be/mfjfTFsD-Mk?si=EngDcetJEbBra-Qv

*If you like this workout, you’ll LOVE my “12 in 12” lose-up-to-12%-of-your-bodyweight-in-12-weeks-challenge… and I’m still looking for a few more people to try 👉 KB 12 IN 12 CHALLENGE

The Kettlebell Plank Drag targets your abs, obliques, lats, and arms—but it’s crucial to do it right to reap all the benefits. Here are two essential tips to perfect your form:

1️⃣ Strong Plank Foundation: Begin in a solid plank with your body firm, hands directly under shoulders, and feet spaced between hip and shoulder width.

2️⃣ Control Rotation: This move is all about anti-rotation. Avoid letting your hips sway. Maintain a stable core, shoulders, and lower body throughout the movement to maximize effectiveness.

Add these techniques to your next kettlebell session to enhance your kettlebell plank drag form!

👌 🏋️‍♂️ Forest Vance, MS in Human Movement, Kettlebell Specialist, Over 40 Training Expert

🔗 KettlebellBasics.net | ForestVanceTraining.com

Corkscrew Kettlebell Snatch Technique? (PIC inside)

The corkscrew snatch is a kettlebell exercise where, during the portion of the movement where the KB rotates flips over, the hand rotates around the handle, resembling a corkscrew. 

This rotation can make the movement gentler on the shoulders and hands for some people.

Some may also prefer it to avoid shoulder strain. 

However, in certain tests like the SFG and RKC snatch tests, it might not be allowed due to specific standards.

Here’s an example of what it looks like on the downswing:

Why does this matter? 

Because subtle adjustments in your form and technique—identifying the right modifications for your individual needs, fitness level, and goals—can dramatically impact your results. 

This could be the key to achieving the fitness results you’ve been working so hard for!

To be sure you’re making the most of these techniques, having a skilled kettlebell coach by your side can be invaluable. 

That’s why I’m inviting you to join:

the KB “12 in 12” – Lose Up to 12% of your Bodyweight in 12 Weeks with Kettlebells Transformation Program


12-week kettlebell coaching program to help you:

1 – Learn the basics of safe and effective kettlebell training
2 – Gain strength and lean muscle
3 – Lose up to 12% of your current bodyweight


People aged 40 and up – anywhere in the world with access an internet connection (and at least a few kettlebells)


1 – Kettlebell-based workouts from Forest for the full 12 weeks
2 – Check ins, feedback, etc on your workouts from Forest
3 – 100% personalized nutrition plan based on YOUR exact goals, needs, and
preferences to help you lose up to 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks
4 – Access to Saturday Kettlebell Strength Camp series (runs month of June and
July 2024, Saturday mornings at 8am CST) live, real-time kettlebell workouts with Forest and team (live or recorded)
5 – Physical copy of Forest’s CORE Kettlebell Challenge book shipped to you (free shipping within continental US)


Reply directly to this message with the phrase “12 IN 12”, and we’ll send you all the details. 

— Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Owner, FVT Personal Training
Author – the CORE Kettlebell Challenge
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach
Over 40 Specialist

Kettlebell Bootcamp Workout [new video]

I have a special treat for you today!

Last Saturday, I lead a special Kettlebell Bootcamp Workout at our FVT Personal Training – Lee’s Summit location.

I think the routine we went through is a GREAT example of how you can increase strength and achieve optimal functional fitness with kettlebells!

(Same theme as my newest course that’s on sale this week, Kettlebell 5×5)

If you’re over 40, workouts like this will leave you feeling great – you’ll not only build strength, but you’d work your heart, you’ll get some core and flexibility work… and you can crank out workouts like this any time, any place with just a couple of ‘bells!

Watch the video below, then check out my newest training plan here -> 5×5 Program for Strength and Muscle – Kettlebell Edition (on sale this week)

-> Kettlebells for ABS – 45 Min Bootcamp Workout on YouTube

-Forest and the Team at KettlebellBasics.net

7 Kettlebell Swing Variations [video]

If you’re looking to add a little something extra to your kettlebell workouts, then check out these 7 killer variations. And if you want to dive even deeper into it, be sure to sign up for my upcoming Kettlebell Ballistics Workshop here (you can join us in person in Sacramento, CA OR remotely / via Zoom from anywhere in the world!): https://forestvance.lpages.co/kettlebell-ballistics-workshop-with-forest-vance/

7 Kettlebell Swing Variations

1 – HardStyle Kettlebell Swing
2 – Dead Stop Swing
3 – 1 Arm Swing
4 – Hand to Hand Swing
5 – Walking Swing – Side to Side
6 – Walking Swing – Forward
7 – Double Kettlebell Swing

Watch the video that shows each of these kettlebell swing variations in detail HERE.

Hope to see you at my upcoming Kettlebell Ballistics Workshop!

-Forest and the FVT Team at KettlebellBasics.net

3 Kettlebell Swing Mistakes You Might Be Making

The kettlebell swing is a great exercise for improving your strength, power, and conditioning. However, it’s important to do it correctly in order to avoid injury and get the most out of the exercise. 

In this article, I’m going to show you 3 common mistakes people make when performing the kettlebell swing, and how to fix them. Give these tips a try and watch your form and performance improve!

1 – “Squatting the Swing”

You shouldn’t be squatting when you do a kettlebell swing. The kettlebell should swing forwards and backwards from your hips, not just go up and down. If you’re trying to squat and swing at the same time, you’re overusing your arms and relying too much on your back muscles to keep the kettlebell in position in front of you.

2 – Overextending the Hips

At the top of the kettlebell swing, stand tall and drive your head upwards. Leaning back and pushing your hips forwards will result in additional stress to the lower back, so be sure to keep your abs and glutes tight at the top of the swing. Stop in the upright position as if a wall is behind you.

3 – Overusing the Arms

Your arms play a role in the kettlebell swing, but they’re only there to hold the kettlebell. All the power for the swing comes from your hips. If you’re swinging with your arms instead of your hips, focus on the hip drive and relax your arms. Using a heavier kettlebell will force you to generate power from your hips because your arms can’t physically do all the work.

If you’re learning how to swing a kettlebell, you might be making one (or all!) of these common mistakes. incorrect form can lead to injury, so it’s important to learn the right way to swing. If you’re interested in learning more about how to use kettlebells safely and effectively, consider signing up for our “Lose 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Kettlebell Challenge.” You’ll get lots of video technique training breaking down how to do the movements, live interactive kettlebell workouts over zoom and more! More info and sign up here:

->> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge

– Forest Vance

Snatch Technique for Over 40 + Need Your Help:

NEW VIDEO – If you’re looking for a way to ease up on your body and joints while still being able to perform kettlebell snatches effectively, then today’s tip is for you! Check out the new video breaking down the technique below:

While I got ya, can you also help me with a quick favor?

See, the main reason I do what I do, is to help you get the results you desire!

But I always want to help more…

…and this is where you come in!

I’d love to give you more of exactly what you want over the coming weeks and months – in terms of program and service offerings – and the best way I know how is to simply ask.

So here is the favor I ask of you:

Can you do me a quick favor and fill out the survey below?

-> Quick Favor + Free Gift

Then, I will look at this as we develop new content, programs, service offerings, and more in the coming weeks and months.

Sound cool?

Thanks so much!!

-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Expert

PS – I even have a little surprise gift that you’ll get when you fill out the survey as my way of saying thanks… but you’ll have to take it to see what it is! 🙂

-> Quick Favor + Free Gift