Even though this workout video doesn’t feature kettlebells … it’s inspiring and an awesome example of truly hard training! (Make sure to stay tuned all the way ’till the end)
For whatever reason, my kettlebell training facility tends to attract a certain breed of workout enthusiast; we get a percentage of folks (which is probably a higher percentage than you would get in a traditional gym setting) that want to puke during workouts. That want us to completely obliterate them and walk out destroyed every time …
So this begs the question: How hard do you really need to train to get great results and reach your kettlebell training goals? That is … do you have to train so hard you puke, that you’re left in a pile on the floor after your workouts? Or is it enough to just train hard … but actually feel better when you’re finished? 🙂
Looking back at my own training background and experience, I can tell you that generally speaking, the harder I’ve worked, the better shape I’ve been in. And this holds true for folks I’ve trained that have acheived dramatic physical changes. I can’t think of a single client I’ve worked with that’s gotten great results and hasn’t worked their butt off.
That being said, I don’t think you need to go to failure every time, to throw up, to get injured, to make progress. As a general rule of thumb, you should feel better after you’re done with your workouts, not worse. It’s okay … in fact, it’s good … to occasionally push yourself super hard. It can actually spur some significant progress if you program it correctly into your overall training scheme … in my kettlebell boot camps, we do a challenge workout once a month (if you’re interested, you can check out an archive of all my challenge workouts here) … and I think that’s a reasonable frequency for workouts like this. Just know that you don’t have to puke and pass out every time to get good results.
That it for this week … keep focused and keep training hard!
P.S. Signed up for the Kettlebell Basics newsletter yet? You’ll get a free kettlebell training video AND a copy of my ‘Beginner’s Guide to Kettlebell Training’ when you sign up … just enter your name and email into the box at the upper right of the page to do so today!
Train until you feel like puking catch your breath and then train more…mental toughness is needed just as much as physical toughness!!!
Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!
Wow! These girls are awesome and ripped…Good stuff.
Thanks for the feedback guys!