Got a little special offer for ‘ya this weekend!
You can get a copy of my Easiest, Fastest Fat Loss Meal Plan Ever for FREE (a $17 value) when you grab a copy of the new-and-improved-for-2013 Kettlebell Basics Quick Start Guide.
=> Get your KB’s for Fat Loss Special here
ALSO … while I got ‘ya here 😉 … continuing with yesterday’s “theme” of double kettlebell training … I got a sample double kettlebell workout for you from the Kettlebell Basics Quick Start Guide:
Double KB Circuit
This workout is going to be performed for time:
:30 – double clean and presses
:30 – active rest (jump rope, jog, etc.)
Repeat 4 times
:30 – Kettlebell Squats
:30 – Active Rest
Repeat 4 times
:30 – Double Kettlebell Swings
:30 – Active Rest
Repeat 4 times
You’re allowed to take :60 seconds between rounds on this one. Make sure to pick a heavy weight for all these exercises; you’re only working for :30 so you won’t get a lot of reps.
This is a great one for just building up that “base strength” that everyone needs so much.
K, that’s it for today! Have a great weekend, get some double kettlebell work in, and talk soon –
Forest Vance, MS, RKC II