Sarai will be joining us as head coach in the upcoming KettlebellBasics – Superwoman Strong 8 Week Challenge (details below)
Check out this single / double KB strength complex, done in the style of the program!
Superwoman Strong Single / Double KB Strength Complex
KB Snatch to press x3-5
KB Front rack Squat x 5
— Switch to other side–
Double Kb Swing x12
Mixed Grip pull-up x5 (band assisted)
X 5 rounds
– Are ready to make a serious change
– Feel like guy trainers don’t “get” what women really want when it comes to strength
– Want and need that extra push and accountability to get it done in 2018
This is for you.
Because are looking for 13 more STRONG WOMEN to join us for our upcoming Superwoman Strong 8-week Challenge.
You’ll get:
– Workouts – designed by a women, for women – based on YOUR needs and goals
– Meal plans – designed by a women, for women – based on YOUR needs and goals
– Coaching and motivation for the full 8 weeks
And it starts Jan 1st.
But the only catch is, registration closes this Friday the 22nd of Dec, OR when we hit 25 sign ups – whichever comes first.
SO, if you want IN, please fill out the short application form below, and we’ll get back to you ASAP:
Look forward to hearing from you!
– Forest Vance, Sarai White, and the KettlebellBasics team