Here we are, the morning after Christmas.
Ours was great.
How about you?
Our little girls (they are 2 and 4) were SO excited.
We are starting to form different family traditions and things too, and that is so much fun.
But to be honest, at the same time, I am kind of relieved that it’s over, lol.
I am looking forward to getting back into a more regular routine in different areas of life.
This week is a great time for both reflecting on the previous year, as well as planning for the coming one.
I am personally cranking DOWN on my fitness, starting NOW.
I always keep things under control no matter what, BUT I have some definite room to tighten up on the diet.
If you want to do the same, I have a great opportunity for you:
I am opening up 20 spots in a “new-and-improved” version of my Elite Distance KB Coaching program.
In this program, I work with you ONE ON ONE to get you the best results you’ve EVER gotten … in the shortest amount of time.
We map out EVERYTHING … your specific weekly / monthly workout schedule, your exact nutrition plan … to ENSURE success.
AND, you’ll be held accountable to taking action consistently and staying on your plan, because you’ll have to check in with me daily when you complete your workouts, and give me specifics on the progress you’re making.
ALSO – I have figured out a way to streamline things a bit, so that the cost is a bit more accessible for more people (works out to $100-$150/month, depending on exact option you end up going with)
BUT … because this is very hands-on and time-intensive, I can only work with up to 10 people in this program at any given time.
This is only going to be for a handful of people, who have specific goals, and who are dedicated and ready to take massive action, right away.
As soon as these spots fill, the program will be closed down again for at least the spring.
SO … if this all sounds good, and like something you might be interested in … fill out the short interest form below:
Leave me 1) your contact info and 2) why you want to participate in the program, and why you think it would be a good fit.
I’ll review the info and get back to you ASAP.
I can give more details if needed on how it all works, answer any questions you might have, and we can get things going if all sounds good.
Look forward to hearing from you!
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Personal Trainer