Got a new vid up on the YouTube Channel for you to check out today!
It’s a kettlebell swing – squat – burpee ladder challenge workout.
Perfect if you are looking for a quick-hitting kettlebell / bodyweight full-body workout to burn some extra calories and rev up your metabolism this Holiday weekend.
(Speaking of which, we have a big “Better Than Black Friday Sale” coming up over the weekend too, stay tuned for that as well.)
All you’ll need is a single kettlebell, 15 or 20 minutes, and a can-do attitude, because this one is ROUGH!
Check out the new video and workout at this link =>

And here’s to your continued success –
-Forest Vance, Kettlebell Expert, Over 40 Training Specialist,
PS – Our “Better Than Black Friday Sale” is coming up over the weekend… stay tuned!