Today, I want to talk about the importance of a daily stretch routine, specifically for kettlebell lifters over the age of 40! Stretching will improve a person’s kettlebell workouts. The improved movement that will come as a result will help in every day life. Better kettlebell workouts and more inspired daily activity leads to faster fat loss!
First, stretching regularly will improve a person’s kettlebell workouts. Performing the kettlebell exercises with good form and with progressively heavier weights requires the right amount of mobility. Hips being too tight to squat to to depth, or shoulders being too inflexible to press overhead, no longer is a limitation.
-> ?Daily 8-15 min stretch routine for kettlebell lifters over 40?
Second, improved movement that comes from regular stretching helps with every day life. For example, getting down on the floor to play with small children is so much easier if a person’s hips are flexible enough to sit cross-legged for 15 or 20 minutes. Putting on one’s shoes without having to sit down is another example of an activity that is way easier to do if one stretches regularly.
Finally, as a result of working on flexibility regularly, athletic performance and every day life activities are improved, and as a result, more fat is burned! If one moves more without pain, they end up being more active, burning more calories throughout the day, and losing weight faster.
To sum up, flexibility and mobility will help with kettlebell lifting for men and women over 40, as well as in every day life. As a result of these improvements, one can burn more calories and lose fat faster as well.
Check out the program at the link below for a daily 8-15 minute stretch routine for kettlebell lifters over 40:
-> ?Daily 8-15 min stretch routine for kettlebell lifters over 40?
-Forest and the team at KettlebellBasics.net