Kettlebells are special.
Today’s 21-minute KB Challenge, “The Terminator”, is a great example!
Try it yourself, and you will see the benefits of resistance training AND cardiovascular conditioning, all in one short powerful workout:
“The Terminator” – 21-minute KB/BW EMOM
1 – Set your timer to go off every 60 seconds.
2 – At the top of the first minute, perform 10 one hand KB swings per side.
3 – Your rest is the time between your last rep and when the next 60 second interval starts.
4 – Repeat in the same fashion with 15 push ups (second minute) and 8 burpees (third minute).
5 – At the top of the fourth minute, go back to the swings, and repeat for a total of seven rounds of the three moves. The full workout should take you 21 minutes.
One of the biggest benefits of kettlebell training is that all of the exercises are essentially total body exercises, which means you get complete strength AND conditioning, all with a single tool.
That’s also why they are AWESOME for training your abs the RIGHT way, and getting that strong, functional, and great looking midsection you are going for.
If this interests you, check out my upcoming 28-day Kettlebells for Abs Challenge. This is the ultimate training plan to help you get a strong, lean, functional core with kettlebells. However, it officially starts TODAY, Monday, August 30th, 2021, so you need to sign up right now if you want in:
-> 28-day Kettlebells for Abs Challenge
Here’s to your kettlebell training success, and look forward to working together!
-Forest and the FVT Team at KettlebellBasics.net