Kettlebells are one of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can use to workout. They’re perfect for toning your abs, and this sample challenge workout is a great place to start:
PART 1 – Every minute, on the minute, do 6 split squats per side w/ KB in rack position (rack same side as forward foot) – 8k women / 12k men – do 4 rounds total
PART 2 – Complex: do as many reps as you can of each exercise in :35. Flow from one move to the next without rest. Rest for approx :60 between rounds. Do 4 rounds total:
— KB suitcase reverse lunge (one side for full work period; switch sides after each round) (8k women / 16k men)
— KB single leg deadlift (one side for full work period; switch sides after each round) (8k women / 16k men)
— Hand-to-hand KB swings (12k women / 20k men)
— Push ups (hands elevated, knees, or toes) with plank jack
PART 3 – Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 35 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds between moves. Repeat for 3 rounds total:
— Star jump
— Plank hold
If you liked this sample Kettlebell workout, the next step is easy – sign up for the 28-day Kettlebell MRT Challenge 4.0. Details and sign up here:
This challenge will help you burn fat, get shredded, and improve your fitness level.
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Corrective Exercise Specialist