I’ve been personal training for almost 20 years, and when I first started, I thought I was going to love every minute of it.
I mean, what’s not to love? You to wear gym clothes and work out all day!
But, like any other job, there are parts of it that are actually work. One of the things I came to strongly dislike was programming workouts. It would take me so much time to write workout plans for all my clients!!
Obviously, this was before I came up with systems and plans to make it a lot easier on myself. I’ve written thousands of client workouts over the years, and I’ve developed systems in the process. Now, I have a system where I can put together a top-quality training session in a matter of minutes. I typically go to my library of workouts to either grab one straight-away, or use one to model and tweak a bit as needed for the specific client / purposes / etc.
A “done-for-you” library of kettlebell boot camp workouts is exactly what I’m going to give you with my brand new Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts program! It’s going to be YOUR personal library of kettlebell workouts, designed so that you can use them with your clients. Take this one for example:
“Done-For-You” Kettlebell Bootcamp Workout for Trainers + Coaches
(start with 5-10 minutes of dynamic warm up)
PART 1 – ½ the group performs KB single leg deadlift for 5 reps per side. During that time, the other ½ of the group performs HardStyle push ups. Rest for :15 and switch. Alternate back and forth and get as many rounds as you can in 6 minutes.
PART 2 – ½ the group performs kettlebell rack squats for 8 reps on each side. During that time, the other ½ of the group performs recline rows. Rest for :15 and switch. Alternate back and forth and get as many rounds as you can in 8 minutes.
PART 3 – Perform kettlebell single carries for :30 on each side (1st two rounds) / :60 goblet carries (2nd two rounds). Rest for :15. Perform plank variation of trainer’s choice for :30. Rest for :15. Repeat for 4 rounds total.
PART 4 – Set your timer to go off every :30. Perform 5 burpees at the top of each interval. Rest is from the time the 5 reps are complete until the next interval starts. Repeat for 6 rounds total.
(finish with 3-5 mins of stretching + cool-down)
If you enjoyed this sample kettlebell boot camp workout, then you’ll love my new-and-updated-for-2022 Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts program! This program is packed with MANY more challenging workouts you can use with your clients to get better results and referring all their friends. Be sure to check it out when it drops later this week.
-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
SFG-Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Owner, FVT Personal Training (gym in Sacramento, CA)
Owner, KettlebellBasics.net (online / worldwide)