Today, I want to talk about a common issue that can sabotage people new to the keto lifestyle – what I call “Sneaky Carbs”.
It’s very important to keep your carbohydrate intake low on the keto diet. The exact number varies depending on the source, but a good guideline is that you should consume 50 grams or less of carbohydrates daily to stay in ketosis. If you’re regularly kettlebell training, you may be able to get away with consuming slightly more carbs, but 50 grams is still not much. And it can add up quickly!
That’s why you have to be careful for hidden, “Sneaky Carbs” in certain foods that may SEEM keto-friendly, but are actually loaded with sugars.
Here are 5 of some of the worst and most surprising examples:
1 – Milk substitutes (almond milk / soy milk etc)
2 – Yogurt
3 – Salad dressing
4 – BBQ sauce
5 – Protein bars
To be successful on the keto diet, you need to understand what you’re eating. That means looking at the nutrition facts for everything you eat and drink.
It can be a bit of work in the beginning, but it does get easier with practice. And this is crucial for success because small tips and tricks like this can make all the difference between success and failure.
-Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net
PS – If you want to give the keto diet a go, I recommend the course at the link below:
This program will give you a complete, step-by-step plan of exactly what to do. A big reason I see people fail is lack of planning, and this course will give you:
— Diet basics
— Meal plans
— Tips for curbing cravings
— How to stay in ketosis
— How to calculate your macros
— Beating the keto flu
— How to incorporate intermittent fasting with keto
— How to deal with social situations on keto
…and much more!
The keto diet can be a way to jumpstart your weight loss journey. If you’re thinking of trying it, having a plan is crucial for success, so I highly recommend checking this out: