This workout is BRUTAL.
Knocked it out today myself, and was CRUSHED afterwards.
Try it at your own risk 😉
Here’s how it goes:
Kettlebell Snatch + Lateral Burpee Combo Workout
10 KB snatches (right arm)
10 KB snatches (left arm)
10 lateral burpees
9 KB snatches (right arm)
9 KB snatches (left arm)
9 lateral burpees
etc. … ’till you get down to 1 rep of each. As fast as possible.
Here is a video me doing a small portion of the workout above – so you can see how to do the exercises:
And don’t forget – to get TONS more workouts like this one – AND a bunch of FREE bonuses when you hop on the special offer before the end of the weekend – click HERE
That’s it for now! Thanks, train hard, and talk soon –
Forest Vance, MS, RKC