24 Rep KB/BW Core Blaster Workout + FVT Elite Online Coaching

Got a 24 rep KB/BW “core blaster” workout for you today.

Just two exercises and 24 reps TOTAL for this one, but it’s a smoker! I know you will love it.

You can add this one on to the end of your workout you got planned for the weekend.

Check it out:

24 KB/BW Rep Core Blaster

1 Turkish get up ea side
5 hanging leg raises

— 4 rounds total
— rest for about 30 seconds between exercises
— alternate back and forth between moves – meaning do a set of TGUs, then a set of hanging leg raises, then a set of TGUs, etc

Click here for an article and video on how to do the hanging leg raise

Click here for an article and video on how to do the Turkish get up

Also, I wanted to break down the FVT Elite Online Coaching program for you and explain exactly how it works, so if you are thinking about applying you know what you are getting yourself in to 😉

If you know you want to apply, you can skip ahead and submit your application HERE

The FVT Elite Online Coaching program is where I personally work with you, one on one, to help you reach your fitness goals.

You start by filling out a VERY detailed questionnaire all about your goals, medical history, time you have available for your workouts, equipment you have available, etc.

I also have you do a basic movement assessment – and send me video of you doing it – so that I can see how you move and where you’re starting at.

Finally, you take your weight and starting measurements and “before” pics so that we can measure progress and see how you’re progressing towards your goals.

Then I design you a CUSTOMIZED workout AND nutrition plan based on all of the above.

I link to a video that shows you how to perform every exercise in the program. It is very personalized and very detailed.  The first “intro” packet is typically about 15-20 pages long.

Every week, you check in with me via email with your workout log, your nutrition stats, your weight, and various other stuff. This helps keep you accountable and on track.

ANY time you have a question about anything, you can ask me via email. You are also welcome to send me unlimited videos of you doing various exercises in your program for my review, to make sure you’re doing them properly.

This is a VERY in-depth program, as you can see. Folks that participated in the first round also got some astounding results. In fact, I would say my average online coaching client actually gets BETTER results than my average in-person client … just because of the high level of accountability and the way the program is structured.

As you can see, it is also very time consuming on MY part … and so I have to charge a fair price for the program. It is reasonable and very high VALUE … but it is NOT cheap. The monthly cost is about the same as doing three boot camps per week at my training studio.

I also ask for a three month minimum commitment – I honestly want very serious folks only for this program, and I know from years of experience that it takes a bit of time to see the real gains in strength, loss in body fat, and body transformation that you’re after.  This is for YOUR benefit, so that you can get the most you possibly can out of the program.

Ready to apply?  Awesome!  Click the link below, submit your application, and we’ll see if we can get you in!

Submit your application to the FVT Elite Online Coaching program HERE

That’s it for now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, train hard, and talk soon –

– Forest Vance, MS, RKC II


FVT is Hosting the RKC!

RKC Instructor- Get Certified

VERY exciting news.

We’ll be hosting a Russian Kettlebell Challenge certification at the new FVT Personal Training and Boot Camp facility in Sacramento, CA September 18-20, 2015!

Get all the details and register here

I attended my first RKC event in 2009 and have been a “kettlebell convert” ever since. I’ve learned most of all I know about kettlebell training from the RKC and the folks involved in / with it … I’ve since attended and assisted at multiple different RKC events over the years … and the quality of instruction and coaching you’ll get at this event is frankly quite rare in the fitness industry today.

If you are an instructor looking to learn how to use kettlebells the RIGHT way, I highly recommend you sign up and start training for it right away.

And if you’re an avid kettlebell trainee who wants to take their kettlebell form and knowledge to the highest level, I also recommend you attend the event and get your KB certification.

Get all the details and register here

As far as I know, this is the first time the RKC has come to the Sacramento area … exciting stuff!

Plus, it’s a great opportunity to come and check out our new facility, and get a little bit of the FVT experience over the weekend as well 😉

Get all the details and register here

– Forest Vance, MS, RKC II