A close family member of mine recently decided she needed a big change.
She used to be very active and loved playing sports all her life. However, during the past year, she started moving less, and ending up putting on 15-20 pounds.
She started by eating healthier. She cut out processed carbs, focused on protein and veggies first at every meal, and started moving more by going for a walk or a run for 30-45 minutes almost every day.
This helped her feel better and lose the first 10 pounds!
Then, she decided she was ready for something more challenging. She wanted to become stronger and build lean muscle. Can you guess the program I suggested to her? 🙂
–> the 28-day KB Summer Strength Upgrade Challenge
This program is super simple and very straightforward. It’s all about just a few focused and basic kettlebell exercises, done consistently, with great technique, and made progressively more challenging over the 28 days.
The cool thing is, by doing these few exercises, she will be working out her whole body. Legs, back, core, shoulders, arms – everything! And it will even help her become more flexible!
For someone like her, who doesn’t have a lot of free time, this program is perfect. All she needs is a couple of kettlebells and just 20-30 minutes, three days a week.
I can’t wait to see how much stronger she gets!
Are you interested in trying it too? Check out the details and sign up here:
–> the 28-day KB Summer Strength Upgrade Challenge
Stay strong, Forest and the FVT Team at KettlebellBasics.net