7.5-minute “Time-Volume” KB Squat Challenge

When I started creeping up on the age of 40, I remember thinking:

“I’ll keep training just as hard. I won’t let age be an excuse!”

What I didn’t realize was that while age is definitely NOT an excuse.. it IS also a reality 🙂

Your body DOES change around the age of 40:

  • Recovery is slower
  • Injuries are harder to heal
  • You naturally lose muscle mass with each passing year
  • Hormone levels change

… and it turns out that going heavy and hard on the workouts all the time can actually make it MORE DIFFICULT to build strength!

That’s why I recommend you try Time-Volume training. It allows you gain muscle and strength, while taking it easy on your joints, and without having to lift heavy weights.

Today’s 7.5-minute “Time-Volume” KB Squat Challenge will give you a little taste – also be sure to check out the full Time-Volume program HERE.


NOTE: Do NOT go to failure on any of your reps. The idea is to manage fatigue so that you can maximize training volume.

7.5-minute “Time-Volume” KB Squat Challenge

  • Start by doing a set of 3 reps.
  • Stop and rest 10 seconds.
  • Do another set of 3 reps.
  • Stop and rest 10 seconds.
  • Keep going, using 3 rep sets and 10 seconds rest until you can’t get 3 reps anymore.

NOTE: You’ll need to pick the right weight – not too light, not too heavy – to get the proper benefit.

  • When you hit this point, begin taking 20 SECONDS rest in between your 3 rep sets.
  • Keep going using 3 rep sets and 20 seconds rest until you again can’t get 3 reps anymore.
  • Then take 30 SECONDS rest in between your 3 rep sets.
  • If you have to increase again, go to 40 seconds, and so on.
  • Keep going in this fashion until your 7.5 minutes are up.


Time-volume training is a great way to add strength and muscle, while taking it easy on your joints – because you don’t have to go as heavy to get the same effect. Check out the full course HERE for a complete program that gives you a complete workout plan and framework for working your entire body in this same fashion.

-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

⬇️ Stress, ⬆️ Kettlebell Recovery ?

Reducing stress and improving recovery from your kettlebell workouts are just two benefits of practicing yoga.

And in case you haven’t heard, we are running a special “Sport Yoga” series this spring at FVT!

Please read the rest of today’s message for details, then reply directly to this message with the words SPORT YOGA if you are interested so that we can answer your questions, make sure it’s a fit, and get you signed up.

Classes will be led by yours truly, Certified Sport Yoga Instructor and RYT-200 in training ?

Sport Yoga is easier for beginners to perform, based on Hatha yoga, covers traditional sports stretching, and includes dynamic movement sequences for all types of athletes and sports!

We are going to meet once per week, at 530pm PST, for seven weeks. Here are the dates:

  • April 6th
  • April 13th
  • April 20th
  • April 27th
  • May 4th
  • May 11th
  • May 18th

You’ll have the option of attending in-person OR online… so you can join us if you’re here in Sacramento, CA at our physical studio location… OR you can join us from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

You’ll also get the recordings of the classes if you ever end up not being able to make it… plus you’ll have these for life so that you can continue your yoga practice after the series is over!

I’m even throwing in the recordings from the last Sport Yoga series we did in Fall of 2021, so that you’ll have even more yoga classes to practice on your own at any time that fits your schedule.

The cost for the full 7-session live class series PLUS the recordings from this series AND the last one we did is $99.

Reply directly to this message with the words “SPORT YOGA” if you are interested so that we can answer your questions, make sure it’s a fit, and get you signed up!

Thanks –

-Forest Vance, Owner, FVT Personal Trainer

30-Second Squat – Flexibility Test

THE SQUAT is one of the best indicators of flexibility in your hips, knees, and ankles.

If you want a simple test to see how you’re doing in these areas, try the drill described below:

30-Second Squat – Flexibility Test


1 – Start by standing in front of a wall, so that your chest is about 8-12 inches away.

2 – Do five simple body weight only squats.

3 – On the fifth and final rep, hold in the bottom position for a good 10 seconds.

Watch the video that shows you how to do this here – https://youtu.be/LwS0d2Ot_kU


Go through the checklist below, and see how you did (answer each question yes or no):

Y/N – My weight wanted to shift to my toes as I lowered myself into the squat
Y/N – My body wanted to tip forward and my face felt like it was going to hit the wall
Y/N – My knees caved in
Y/N – My feet rotated out to be able to get the tops of my thighs below parallel
Y/N – I had to get my feet super wide to get the tops of my thighs below parallel
Y/N – I was not able to get the tops of my thighs below parallel

If you answered YES to at least one of the questions below, you need to work on your squat!

If you don’t, in the short term, you’re decreasing your performance, and making your workouts harder than they need to be… and in the long term, you are likely to get injured.

My 30-day Flexibility Challenge is specifically designed to help with this, as well as reducing pain, improving recovery time, and getting you moving better in your body overall. Details and sign up now at the link below:

-> 30-day Flexibility Challenge for Better Squats

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
Certified Sport Yoga Instructor

Forest Vance 30-day Flexibility Challenge – Day 1

Flexibility should be at the TOP of your fitness priority list as you age!

If you are looking for a simple, quick, and effective program to get started, check out my all new 30-day Flexibility Challenge.

Today’s video is a free sample “workout” from the course. In the full program, you’ll get a video like this to follow every day for 30 days, so that you can:

  • Get a generally more youthful appearance
  • Improve your posture and look slimmer
  • Improve overall muscular performance
  • Decrease pain – Improve balance
  • Decrease injury risk
  • Improve performance in your chosen sport and every day activities

Details and order now by clicking the link below:

-> 30-day Flexibility Challenge with Forest Vance

-Forest Vance, Master of Science in Human Movement, Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Sport Yoga Instructor

Forward Fold – Flexibility Test [pic]

How are you doing on your stretching routine? Is it something you know you need to work on?

See, reduced flexibility is linked with:

  • Joint pain
  • Increased injury risk
  • Bad posture
  • Sub-optimal results from strength training
  • Sub-optimal results from cardio training

But sometimes people ask me – “Forest, what’s a simple way to see how well my body is moving?”

A simple test – that’s a fairly accurate, reliable, and valid indicator of flexibility I should add! – is the toe touch test!

Give it a try and see how you do:

  • Ideally, warm up for a couple of minutes with some light cardio, OR do the test at the end of a workout
  • Stand upright without shoes on
  • Breath out and reach down, holding the position for a moment
  • Your score is where the index finger (of either hand) reaches lowest
  • Keep knees straight, toes pointing forward, and hands together


If you can touch the floor, you’re doing pretty good – A

If your hands are 2-3 inches off the floor, you cold could use some work on your flexibility – B

If your hands are 4 inches or more off the floor, your flexibility needs work – C

Obviously, there is a lot more to complete flexibility, but this simple toe touch test is a place to start.

If you want help improving your flexibility, stay tuned, I have a new 30 Day Flexibility Challenge program that will be available later this week.

-Forest Vance, Master of Science in Human Movement, Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Sport Yoga Instructor

KB FIT OVER 40 – Sample Custom Workout

In case you missed it, we are currently accepting applications for our KB Fit Over 40 – Custom Training Program.

Everyone is different when it comes to starting fitness level, experience, injury history, etc… and this is why a CUSTOMIZED program – based on all of these factors and more! – is typically going to get a person the best possible results.

However, since we always get requests for a “sample workout” from the program, I wanted to hook you up:

This is a VERY top-level idea of the process we go through to 1) take a client’s individual goals and needs into account 2) turn that into a workout.

This is a KB workout that is designed for my pretend client, “Rich”.

Rich is:

  • 54
  • Has several years of training experience under his belt
  • Wants to lose about 15 lbs of body fat and gain a bit of lean muscle in the chest, shoulders, and arms
  • Wants to reduce pain and avoid injury in the process
  • Body is a little beat up from previous injuries / sports

I would map out several workouts like this each week for Rich… some cardio / conditioning for other days if it fit his goals / schedule… extra stretching / mobility / abs if that fit as well… plus we’d map out a full nutrition plan!… but again, this is a BASIC SAMPLE to give you an idea.

KB FIT OVER 40 – Sample Custom Workout – “Rich”

1 – Do as many reps as you can of the first exercise in 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of the second exercise in 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat for four sets of each move total:

  • Double KB RDL
  • Turkish sit up (:30 PER SIDE)

Do as many reps as you can of the first exercise in 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of the second exercise in 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat for four sets of each move total:

  • chin up hold
  • modified burpees

Do as many reps as you can of the first exercise in 60 seconds. Rest as little as possible, moving directly to the second exercise. Do as many reps as you can of the second exercise in 60 seconds. Rest as little as possible before moving back to exercise one. Repeat for four sets of each move total:

  • kettlebell towel bicep curl
  • kettlebell tricep extension


A CUSTOMIZED kettlebell program – based on starting fitness level, experience, injury history, etc – is typically going to get you the best possible results.

If you’d like to apply for one of my available “KB Fit Over 40” – personalized coaching spots, click the link below now – hurry, these will fill fast!

-> KB Fit Over 40

– Forest Vance
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor
Certified Personal Trainer
Certifed Performance Enhancement Specialist
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach

Rucking: Awesome Cardio for Running Haters (7 beginner tips)

*If you need a backpack to do your rucking with, check out the EVATEC Tactical Backpack here (free + shipping offer) HERE

Rucking is something that’s worked for me as a lower-impact alternative to running.

If you’re looking to crank up your cardio and/or shed more body fat, I recommend you try it too!

Here are a 7 rucking beginner tips to get you started:

1 – Ruck for 30 to 60 minutes continuously with a load of 10-50 lbs
2 – 30 lbs is a great sweet spot for most
3 – You can wear boots if you’re preparing for something specifically that will require it; running shoes are also fine
4 – March at a pace quicker than a stroll, with purpose
5 – Shoot to get your heart rate in the 60-70% of max heart rate range
6 – Not required, but if you can, pick a route with a few hills / un-even terrain
7 – Make sure whatever your carrying is not going to slam into your back – wrap weights / kettlebells / hard objects in a towel before putting them in your ruck

You can use pretty much any sturdy backpack or weight vest, and load it up with weight of any kind. (Make sure it’s secure and won’t shift around.) If you have a sturdy backpack you think will work, you’re all set! If you are looking to purchase one, check out the EVATEC Tactical Backpack linked below first – it’s solid quality (I use it personally!), and for a limited time it’s FREE (you just pay shipping):

-> EVATEC Tactical Backpack – FREE (you pay shipping)

To your rucking success! –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

Kettlebell Strength Test – 300 rep workout

Kettlebell Strength Test (300 rep workout) – https://bit.ly/300kb2022

For those looking to test their strength, kettlebell form, mental capacity, and lungs… I dare them to take this test – https://bit.ly/300kb2022

You’ll do a strength (and overall fitness) test at the beginning of the 28 day program – a special 300 rep kettlebell workout.

It gives you a great, measurable starting point. It also helps you set goals for the end.

Then, for the main program program, you do workouts that will help you do better at that original “benchmark” training session – and at the same time, help you with things like:

– Losing fat

– Gaining lean muscle

– Strengthening your core

– Getting more flexible

– Improving overall performance

We even do a different 300 – rep kettlebell workout every week just for fun, and so that you can see your fitness improving along the way – like this:

300 Kettlebell Challenge 2.0 – Week 1 “Benchmark” Sample Workout

*Find the demo vids with full exercise breakdowns in the full program HERE – https://bit.ly/300kb2022

Do the sequence of exercise below as fast as possible. Make note of weights used. Time yourself. We’ll repeat this workout again in week 4, so be sure to record your performance so that you can see how you improve!

– 20 two hand KB swings

– 20 regular push ups

– 10 split squats per side

– 10 1 arm KB rows per side

– 20 jumping jacks

– 10 one hand KB swings per side

– 20 close grip push ups

– 10 alternating reverse lunges per side

– 10 palms facing away 1 arm KB rows per side

– 20 X jacks

– 20 hand to hand KB swings (10 per side)

– 20 wide grip push ups

– 10 alternating front lunges per side

– 10 palms facing towards 1 arm KB rows per side

– 20 seal jacks


I dare you to take this test: – https://bit.ly/300kb2022

I look forward to hearing about how you do.

To your continued success –

– Forest Vance – Certified Kettlebell Instructor – Master of Science, Human Movement – KettlebellBasics.net

KB-BW Hybrid Strength Challenge – Sample “3/7” Workout

Over the last couple of years, I’ve designed and coached more home workouts than ever before.

One goal that’s particularly tricky to program for in this environment is strength and muscle gain, because to give the body proper stimulus 
to actually adapt and grow takes some skill and creativity when you’re working with minimal equipment and limited time.

I’ve experimented with a LOT of different approaches, but one of the best I keep landing on is called the “3/7” method.

You can see the research behind it linked on this page, but the main idea is that you structure your workouts in a unique way (using ascending reps for each set and specific brief rest intervals etc) that is both backed by research to WORK for increasing muscle and strength, AND does it in a way that maximizes the minimal-equipment / home-workout
set up.

As a nice bonus, it’s also easier on your body and joints than a lot of traditional heavy lifting methods!

Check out this sample workout from the full program:

KB-BW Hybrid Strength Challenge – Sample “3/7” Workout

1 – “3/7” sets – Single Arm KB Press

Start with 3 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 4 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 5 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 6 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 7 reps of single arm kettlebell presses per side. Rest for two to three minutes, then repeat two more times for a total of three rounds.

2 – Do as many reps as you can of the first exercise in 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of the second exercise in 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat for four sets of each move total:

  • Side-loaded / “suitcase” kettlebell split squat (22.5 sec per side)
  • “3 way” push up (wide / narrow / regular)

3 – “3/7” sets – KB goblet squat

Start with 3 KB goblet squats. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 4 KB goblet squats. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 5 KB goblet squats. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 6 KB goblet squats. Rest for 15 seconds. Perform 7 KB goblet squats. Rest for two to three minutes, then repeat two more times for a total of three rounds.

3 – Do as many reps as you can of the first exercise in 60 seconds. Rest as little as possible, moving directly to the second exercise. Do as many reps as you can of the second exercise in 60 seconds. Repeat for four sets of each move total:

  • Mountain climber from low plank position
  • Skaters

Try one week of the KB/BW Hybrid Strength Challenge for just $1 HERE

Hurry! We start Monday, March 14th 2022.

-Forest and the Team at KettlebellBasics.net

28-day KB/BW Hybrid Strength Challenge

If you are looking to gain strength and lean muscle…

…but you are frustrated, because your gym is closed…

…or you don’t have access to the equipment that you feel like you need…

…or you are working with limited time…

…or you want a strength-based program that is friendly on the joints and lifestyle for the 40+ year-old trainee…

I want to invite you to join my upcoming 28-day KB/BW Hybrid Strength Challenge!

More info at the link below:


Hurry, we officially start Monday, March 14th.

-Forest and the Team at KettlebellBasics.net