Free LIVE KB/BW Hybrid Strength Workout: Tomorrow, July 31st @ 1130am PST

I am going to do a LIVE KB/BW Hybrid Strength Workout tomorrow, July 31st @ 1130am PST.

Would you like to join me?

Sign up for our upcoming 28-day KB/BW Hybrid Strength challenge, and you’ll get FREE access (I’m holding the workout in our private group):

See, we’re always trying to improve how we do our 28-day Challenges, so that you can keep getting better results.

Some people like to get the workouts in written form and run with it. We give you a “program manual” each week, so that you know exactly what workouts to do and when to do them.

Some people like to see short video demos of how to do the exercises. We also do quick 3-5 “walk-thru” videos for each workout, so that you know how to do all the moves, and you fully understand how to successfully complete the workout.

This month though, we’re ALSO going to add in LIVE, real-time, follow-along-style workouts into the mix. We’ll take you through each workout in the program live, in real-time. It’s about as close as you can get to being here in the studio, working out with us. We’ll be there to push you and encourage you every step of the way. And you can do it any time, any place, with just a couple of KBs, in 20-30 minutes time!

Again, I’m going to do a LIVE KB/BW Hybrid Strength Workout tomorrow, July 31st @ 1130am PST:

If you’d like to join me, up for our upcoming 28-day KB/BW Hybrid Strength challenge, and you’ll get FREE access (I’m holding the workout in our private group):

Look forward to seeing ‘ya tomorrow!

-Forest Vance

20-min KB/BW Strength Workout (at home / minimal equipment)

Since the quarantine, people have had a big problem.

They are working out at home, without a gym, often using minimal equipment… but they want to be able to get strong and in top shape… and they need real, serious workouts to help them do it!

That’s what we’re focusing on with our upcoming 28-day KB/BW Hybrid Strength Challenge.

And if you’re thinking about signing up, I want you to give this workout a try:


20-min KB/BW Strength Workout (at home / minimal equipment)

*Pull / Hip Dominant Day

*3/7 method: do a set of 3 reps; rest 15 seconds; do a set of 4; rest 15 seconds; do a set of 5; rest 15 seconds; do a set of 6; rest 15 seconds; do a set of 7; rest 15 seconds; rest for two minutes, and repeat.

Do this with each of the following exercises:

  • KB snatch OR 1-arm KB swing (3/4/5/6/7 reps PER SIDE)
  • pull ups OR banded pull ups OR 1-arm KB row (3/4/5/6/7 reps PER SIDE)
  • KB suitcase box/bench/chair step up (3/4/5/6/7 reps PER SIDE)
  • lying “reverse push up” rows


That should take you around 20-minutes start to finish.

It’s a workout that will actually help you gain strength and lean muscle anywhere, with just a couple of kettlebells and your own bodyweight.

And a fair warning – this is going to hurt 🙂 There wil be some SERIOUS lactic acid build up going on.

HOWEVER – it works! Check out the research below to show how participants got 75% better gains over a 12 week period on this method vs the control group!

Join us for the full 28-day KB/BW Hybrid Strength Challenge at the link below:

=> 28-day KB/BW Hybrid Strength Challenge

And here’s to your continued success! –

-Forest Vance


28 Day Kettlebell – Bodyweight Hybrid Strength Challenge

The 28-day Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Strength Challenge is LIVE:

With this new method, you’re going to use a unique training style – backed by recent research – to pack on strength and muscle.

It’s called the “3/7 method” (see research linked below). In the ground-breaking study, participants got 75% better gains over a 12 week period on this method vs the control group. And we’ve adapted it so that you can do it with just a couple of kettlebells and your own bodyweight, three to four times per week in about 20-30 minutes time.

Get all the details and sign up to join us at the link below:

28-day Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Strength Challenge

Look forward to working together!

– Forest and the FVT Team

“3/7 Method” KB/BW Hybrid Strength Workout

If you are looking to gain strength and lean muscle…

…but you are frustrated, because your gym is closed…

…or you don’t have access to the equipment that you feel like you need…

…or you are working with limited time…

You are going to LOVE this “3/7 Method” KB/BW Hybrid Strength Workout.

See, I used to think like you.

I used to think that if I didn’t have a full gym set up, I couldn’t get stronger.

I thought that working out at home would be fine for general fitness or conditioning, but that I couldn’t really get strong with just a couple of kettlebells and my own bodyweight.

Boy was I wrong!

See, over the last four and a half months, I’ve done more remote training with clients than I probably have in the last 10 years of my personal training year in total up to that point.

I’ve worked with people that have a variety of goals.

One big one is gaining strength and muscle.

And as times are just weird right now, most people either don’t have access to their gym, or aren’t that excited about going.

So we’ve had to get creative.

We’ve gotten some clients GREAT results.

And the workout I’m sharing with you today is a product of all this work.

Now introducing:

the “3/7 Method” KB/BW Hybrid Strength Workout

With this new method, you’re going to use a unique training style – backed by recent research – to pack on strength and muscle.

And we’ve adapted it so that you can do it with just a couple of kettlebells and your own bodyweight, three to four times per week in about 20-30 minutes time.

Here’s a sample workout from the program:

*Push / Quad Dominant Day

*3/7 method: do a set of 3 reps; rest 15 seconds; do a set of 4; rest 15 seconds; do a set of 5; rest 15 seconds; do a set of 6; rest 15 seconds; do a set of 7; rest 15 seconds; rest for two minutes, and repeat with the following exercises:

  • KB push press
  • hands-close push ups
  • KB tactical lunge
  • x-body mountain climber + burpee


WARNING – this is going to hurt 🙂 There wil be some SERIOUS lactic acid build up going on.

HOWEVER – it works! Check out the research below to show how participants got 75% better gains over a 12 week period on this method vs the control group.

Give today’s workout a try, see how you like it.

To get video demos of the moves above, the rest of the workouts in the plan (today’s sample just covered upper body / lower body pushing), and more, stay tuned! Registration for the upcoming Kettlebell / Bodyweight 28-day Hybrid Strength Challenge opens tomorrow, Tuesday, July 28th, 2020.

To your success –

-Forest Vance


3-min “Metabolic Stretching” sample workout

3-min “Metabolic Stretching” sample workout

If you’re looking for a routine to do at home…

…and you want something low-impact, easy on your body, that you can start right away…

…that would both improve your flexibility, AND burn fat, AND build strength, all at the same time…

Try this 3-min “Metabolic Stretching” sample workout: # 3-min “Metabolic Stretching” sample workout Do each movement for 15-seconds; no rest between moves; modify for your fitness level but try to move at a brisk pace:

– Arm Swings

– Arm Circles

– “Low/High” Swings

– Body Rotations

– “Cherry Pickers”

– Reverse Windmills

– “Field Goal Kicks”

– Butt Kickers

– 3-Way Lunge


And get the full Metabolic Stretching program at the link below:

Remember, Metabolic Stretching:

– Doesn’t require any equipment — it’s completely bodyweight focused, so you’re building muscle and burning fat while you move

– It’s not boring. No more endless hours on a treadmill or elliptical trainer wishing you were anywhere but there

– It’s simple and straight forward to do. In fact, you can fit this into the busiest schedule and don’t need hundreds of videos and manuals to explain all the moves.

These are simple stretching exercises combined into one powerful movement sequence that you will actually enjoy doing that burns fat in the process:

Have a great one –

– Forest Vance,

High rep/low weight NOT better for fat loss. Here’s what to do instead:

The idea:

High reps and low weight will help you be more “toned” and lose fat. Low reps will help you gain strength and build muscle.

Forest says:


Sorry Charlie.

There’s not a single research study but I am aware of that proves “high reps” (for the purpose of this article, we’ll call that sets of 15 and above) are better for fat loss.

High reps WILL help you with:

  • Muscle endurance – so if your goal is for example to be able to do more push-ups – like going from being able to do do 20 in a row, to 30 in a row – then higher reps are good!
  • Giving you a “burn” – higher rep sets cause a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles, giving you that feeling of your muscles burning, which some to some people feels like has the effect of burning fat (though it doesn’t)

Now your goals MAY include muscle endurance, so I am NOT saying that high reps / low weight is bad.

BUT, for the purposes of this article… if you HAVE been doing high reps / low weight in efforts to burn fat, this is what I recommend you do instead:

1 – Get your diet in check. A short term challenge is for a lot of people a great way to reset some habits and get on the right track. Get started with this 7-day detox plan – it’s NOT all hype and it’s 100% Forest-approved.

2 – Continue to work on building strength. Especially if you are in a calorie deficit (which we’ll get to in a second), we want to do our best to offset any kind of muscle loss, and continuing to lift heavier and keep your strength up will help a lot with that.

3 – Make sure you’re doing enough cardio (but not too much). This is a balance, because if we do too much would you start to dip in and start taking away from some of our strength and muscle gains. But if your goal is fat loss, research says you should probably be doing somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 to 4 times per week for 20-30 minutes.


The sum up, high reps are not better for fat loss. Instead, you want to 1) keep training for strength, 2) focus on your diet, and 3) do just enough cardio.

To your success!!

– Forest and the FVT Team

PS – Supercharge your fat loss results with this 7-day detox plan – it’s NOT all hype, and it’s 100% Forest-approved:

concurrent training

Even thought I KNOW the science says the physiological changes caused by resistance training (like increases in strength, but decreases in mitochondrial density) are in some ways in direct opposition to those caused by aerobic training (like increases in oxidative capacity, but decrease in max power output) …

…I still really LIKE to BOTH “train like an athlete”, feel like I’m in good aerobic shape…

…AND lift some heavy weights too.

I want to be lean AND strong AND jacked, all at the same time!!

Maybe you feel the same way?

So what do we do?!?

Well, actually an analysis of 21 studies on concurrent training conducted in 2012 by Wilson et al. revealed some very interesting data on this subject.

I’ll link it up below, but in a nutshell, it said that concurrent training (doing both strength and cardio/conditioning work in the same training cycle) only creates significant adaptation interference under certain conditions.

And that if you set it up right, you CAN both get strong AND improve cardio condition, all at the same time.

Couple of key points:

  • Running (over lower-impact activities like cycling or rowing) seems to have the most impact on reducing strength and hypertrophy in the lower body when done concurrently with strength training. (Not that it can’t be done at all, but mixing in other aerobic modes of work can be a good idea.)
  • Upper body gains were NOT impacted by concurrent training
  • VOLUME has a lot to do with interference – so if you’re looking to gain muscle and strength, you’ll likely want to limit your cardio to around three or four days per week for around 30 minutes or so, most of the time

I’ve kept all of this in mind with FIRE BREATHER:

=> FIRE BREATHER – 5-week plan to double your cardio and burn twice the calories

Heck, I’ve even included a serious strength program – that can be done with a couple of kettlebells and your own bodyweight, none the less – FREE when you pick up a copy by Sunday night.

But the special launch pricing and the free bonuses go away very soon. So get all the details and order now at the link below:

=> FIRE BREATHER – on sale, this week only

To your continued success!

-Forest Vance


Day 1 – Hills (HIIT day)

For the majority of people, hill sprints are actually a better choice than standard sprints on the track.

See, many new sprinters get overzealous and try to push to hard when first trying it out.

On a track, that can lead to trouble (hello pulled hamstring).

But with a hill, physics won’t allow it. You can’t reach full speed on an incline.

Don’t get me wrong – these are HARD.

But if you can get through the pain and stay consistent, you reward will be a great body AND a stronger mind.

Here’s how we do it, FIRE BREATHER style:


Day 1 – Hills (HIIT day)
from FIRE BREATHER – 5-week training plan to double your cardio and burn twice the calories

You have a few different options here.

Option 1 is to go outside and find a hill. This is my personal favorite option. I have a hill that’s about ¼ mile from my house that I can walk to as a warm up … and it takes me around 60 seconds to run up, which is exactly what we’re going for here.

If you’re not a runner, you can also power walk up the hill, or run for maybe ¼ of the way or ½ the way or ¾ of the way, and then walk – whatever you can handle is great.

Option 2 is to do this on a treadmill. In this case, you’d set the treadmill to 5-10% grade for the run up, and then either hop off the tread and let it go – if you feel you can do that safely – or just turn the speed and/or incline down for your recovery times.

Complete the workout below:

  • Power walk / run / sprint up the hill – 60 seconds
  • Recover / walk back down – 120 seconds
  • Repeat for a total of 10 rounds


Imagine taking your cardio conditioning to the next level, and burning a TON of extra calories in the process.

Imagine a complete 5-week program to help you do this, that you can BOLT ON to your existing strength routine.

That’s EXACTLY what the “Fire-Breather” program is all about.

Get it now at the link below:

=> FIRE BREATHER – 5-week training plan to double your cardio and burn twice the calories

To your continued success!

-Forest Vance

[new vid] Kettlebell Complex Finisher

The message I shared yesterday on the KB/BW Hybrid Strength plan we have up for free right now was a hit.

So I wanted to shoot a video today, walking you through the finisher from workout B.

Check it out:


Kettlebell Complex Finisher
from KB/BW Hybrid Strength

  • 5 snatches
  • 5 front squats
  • 10 one arm swings
  • 5 reverse suitcase lunge

(Remember, the idea with a complex is to flow from one move to the next, without putting the KB down.)

Do three rounds on the right side and three rounds on the left, resting as little as possible while using great form.


Finish your workout strong, burn a ton of calories, crank up your metabolism for the rest of the day and have fun in the process!

-Forest Vance

PS – I’ve come up with this 6-week program designed to help you get STRONG – using nothing but a single KB and your own body weight.

It’s called KB/BW Hybrid Strength.

And you can get it right now 100% FREE, when you pick up up a copy of Fire Breather at the link below:

=> KB/BW “Hybrid Strength” – Free 6-Week Training Plan

You’ll end up with a killer cardio-focused plan you can use to improve your conditioning and burn twice the calories…

…PLUS you’ll have a new 6-week KB/BW training plan that pairs with it perfectly to get STRONG, any time, any place, with just a couple of KBs and your own bodyweight.

Get your free copy now at the link below:

=> KB/BW “Hybrid Strength” – Free 6-Week Training Plan

KB/BW “Hybrid Strength” – Free 6-Week Training Plan

Most people I find just want to be ready to rock and in good shape, all the time.

They want to be able to lift some decent weight, or play a pick up game of basketball, or go for a run and feel good… and not kill themselves in the process.

I’m guessing this might be along the lines of goals you have for yourself as well?

A big challenge folks seem to have though with this, is with the STRENGTH part. Particularly if they are working out at home, with minimal equipment etc.

They would like to do some traditional barbell-based training for example, but it’s just not feasible. They don’t have the time to drive to the gym and use the set up there, or the space or extra funds to set something up at home.

(Or maybe your gym is even closed due to current restrictions around the pandemic.)

So I’ve come up with this 6-week program designed to help you get STRONG – using nothing but a single KB and your own body weight!

It’s called KB/BW Hybrid Strength.

And you can get it right now 100% FREE, when you pick up up a copy of Fire Breather at the link below:

=> KB/BW “Hybrid Strength” – Free 6-Week Training Plan

You’ll end up with a killer cardio-focused plan you can use to improve your conditioning and burn twice the calories…

…PLUS you’ll have a new 6-week KB/BW training plan that pairs with it perfectly to get STRONG, any time, any place, with just a couple of KBs and your own bodyweight.

Get your free copy now at the link below:

=> KB/BW “Hybrid Strength” – Free 6-Week Training Plan

And here’s to getting in top shape during the lockdown!

-Forest Vance