12-min “Abdominal Armageddon” KB Workout

Are you curious about the most effective kettlebell exercises for abs?

A recent study conducted by Bret Contreras has provided some interesting insights.

Over 50 ab exercises were put to the test, and the results demonstrated which ones worked best.

I’ll link out at the bottom of this article where you can read about the full results, but the winners for an all-around program that targets the abs, obliques, and low back where:

  • Turkish Get Ups
  • Chin ups, Hanging Leg Raises, or Swiss Ball Crunches
  • RKC Plank, Ab Wheel Rollout, or Bodysaw
  • Kneeling Cable Lift, Tornado Ball Slam, Landmine, or Reverse Hyper

The trick is, not everyone is able to do these exercises because of equipment limitations etc. So what we do in the new Kettlebells for Abs – EVOLUTION course is take the principles, and adapt them so that you can use KETTLEBELLS!

Take the “Abdominal Armageddon” workout for example:

Do the prescribed number of reps of exercise one. Rest 15 seconds. Do the prescribed number of reps of exercise two. Rest 15 seconds. Continue in the same fashion to complete the full circuit; rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat two more times for a total of three rounds:

— Turkish Get Up – 1 / side

— Lying Kettlebell-Anchored Leg Drops – 10 (min 2-sec negative)

— RKC Plank – :20 hold

— Single-Arm KB Swing – 7 per side

If you liked this workout, sign up for Kettlebells for Abs EVOLUTION today at the link below:

–>> Kettlebells for Abs EVOLUTION (new for 2024!)

Let’s keep pushing towards continued training success!

-Forest and the Team at KettlebellBasics.net

PS – See the article referenced in today’s post here -> https://www.t-nation.com/training/inside-the-muscles-best-ab-exercises/

KB Strength Test (300 rep workout inside)

For those looking to test their strength, kettlebell form, mental capacity, and lungs – check this out:

=> “300” Kettlebell Challenge 3.0

You’ll do a strength (and overall fitness) test at the beginning of the 28 day program – a special 300 rep kettlebell workout.

It gives you a great, measurable starting point. It also helps you set goals for the end.

Then, for the main program program, you do workouts that will help you do better at that original “benchmark” training session – and at the same time, help you with things like:

– Losing fat
– Gaining lean muscle
– Strengthening your core
– Getting more flexible
– Improving overall performance

We even do a different 300 – rep kettlebell workout every week just for fun, and so that you can see your fitness improving along the way.

Check out this sample workout from the program:


“300” – KB Challenge – BENCHMARK WORKOUT* (week 4)

*Find the demo vids with full exercise breakdowns in the full program HERE

Note: Be sure to record the weight used for each move and the total time it takes you to complete this benchmark workout with proper form. See if you can beat your time from week 1!

*Use the same versions / modifications / etc as week 1

5 1 arm press right (8k women / 16k men)
5 1 arm press left (8k women / 16k men)
15 2 arm KB swings (16k women / 24k men)
10 push ups
10 lunges right
10 lunges left
5 burpees

Complete 5 rounds for time


Give the program at the link below a try:

=> “300” Kettlebell Challenge 3.0

I look forward to hearing about how you do.

– Forest Vance
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement

PS – The “300” Kettlebell Challenge 3.0 Birthday Sale is LIVE:

=> “300” Kettlebell Challenge 3.0 Birthday Celebration Sale

This program is designed to help you unleash your inner warrior and get a ripped Spartan body, in just 28 days. 

It’s also on sale with some great new bonuses, in celebration of my birthday month! 😉

Details and order now at the link below:

=> “300” Kettlebell Challenge 3.0 Birthday Celebration Sale

– Forest Vance
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement

Isometrics + Kettlebells – Week 3 / Workout 2

Check out this sample workout from my newest Isometrics + Kettlebells: 4-Week Workout Plan:


Isometrics + Kettlebells – Week 3 / Workout 2

PART 1  – Do as many reps as you can of exercise 1 in 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of exercise 2 in 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat for four rounds total:

  • Single arm KB press (22.5 sec per side) (recommended weight = 16/20k men – 8/12k women)
  • ISO – Warrior III (22.5 sec per side)

PART 2 – Do as many rounds as you can of the circuit below in 9 minutes:

  • 8 walking lunges (w/ double KBs at sides) (per leg) (recommended weight = 12/16k men – 8/12k women) (do same leg for consecutive reps this week)
  • 15 recline rows OR 8 one arm KB rows per side (recommended weight = 16/20k men – 8/12k women)
  • :5-:30 ISO – chin up holds (go as long as you can!) OR :15 sec holds at TOP of KB row (try to beat your time from last week!)

PART 3 – Do as many rounds as you can of the circuit below in 8 minutes:

  • 5 one arm KB swings OR 5 high pulls OR 5 snatches per side (recommended weight = 16/20k men – 8/12k women) (challenge yourself to progress!)
  • 8 spider climbs (per side) – add a push up
  • :30 ISO – superhero hold


Isometrics + Kettlebells: 4-Week Workout Plan

The hook:

Learn how to use the unique combination of kettlebells and isometrics to preserve your joints, forge new lean muscle, and cut your recovery time in half!


Forest Vance

What you get:

— Kettlebell Isometrics: 4-week training plan
— Kettlebell Isometrics 2.0: Free 4-week bonus plan
— Kettlebell Mobility Challenge: Learn to reduce pain and enhance recovery – free bonus
— Sport Yoga Series 2.0: Access 2022’s special series, originally $99 – free bonus
— Do 5 One Arm Push Ups: Mini course to master this skill – free bonus​​​​​​​

Access to the Kettlebell Isometrics main program:

–> Access to Isometrics + Kettlebells: 4-Week Workout Plan

To your success! –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

10-minute KB Press/Lunge/Swing + Burpee Finisher

One of the training formats I love the most for 40-and-ups looks like this:

  • total workout time = approx 30-45 minutes
  • 10-15 minutes (split between warm up and cool down) is flexibility / mobility / movement work
  • 10-15 minutes is dedicated strength work (lower 5-12 ish Rep range, using progressively heavier weights / exercise difficulty / over time)
  • 10-15 minutes is metabolic conditioning work – like the kettlebell finisher I’m sharing with you today

This is the format I use in the training plans I have on sale this weekend for my birthday celebration:

-> Kettlebell Isometrics

-> “300” Spartan Kettlebell Challenge

-> Kettlebell 5×5 Method

Try this 10-minute KB Press/Lunge/Swing + Burpee Finisher at the end of your next strength session, and see just how powerful it can be!

Press/Lunge/Swing + Burpee Finisher

– 5 KB press right

– 5 KB rack lunge right

– 10 1-arm KB swing right

– 5 KB press left

– 5 KB rack lunge left

– 10 1-arm KB swing left

– 5 burpees

Do 5 rounds as fast as possible!


If you liked this workout, check out the training plans I have on sale this weekend for my birthday celebration:

-> Kettlebell Isometrics

-> “300” Spartan Kettlebell Challenge

-> Kettlebell 5×5 Method

-Forest Vance @ KettlebellBasics.net

“300” Kettlebell Challenge 2.0 (free workout inside)

“300” Kettlebell Challenge 2.0 – free sample workout: “300” Kettlebell Challenge 2.0

Check out this free sample workout from my “300” KB Challenge, and grab the full program at the link below while it’s on sale
to celebrate my birthday this week: “300” Kettlebell Challenge 2.0

You’ll unleash your inner warrior and get a ripped Spartan body, in just 42 days!


“300” Kettlebell Challenge – free sample workout

  • 5 1-arm kettlebell Clean and Squat right (12k women/20k men)
  • 5 1-arm kettlebell Clean and Squat left (12k women/20k men)
  • 5 Bottoms Up Kettlebell press right (8k women/12k men)
  • 5 Bottoms Up Kettlebell press left (8k women/12k men)
  • 10/ea Side stepping Kettlebell Swing (20 swings total) (16k Women/24k)
  • 10/total Plank to push-ups (up, up, down, down =1 rep. Make sure to even out which hand leads)
  • 5 1-arm kettlebell racked rear lunges right (12k women/20k men)
  • 5 1-arm kettlebell racked rear lunges left (12k women/20k men)

Complete 5 rounds for time


Grab the full “300” Kettlebell Challenge program at this link while it’s on sale
to celebrate my birthday this week: “300” Kettlebell Challenge 2.0

-Forest Vance

(video) Pull Up Form Tip – Eye Position

Pull ups are one of the best all-around moves for increasing your upper body strength, and overall fitness level.

They are a natural movement pattern of human beings!, not to mention basic and old-school.

When it comes to cranking out more, small form tips like the one we cover in today’s video can make a huge difference.

Today’s tip is about your eyes – that is, where you are looking during the exercise – and how that impacts the position of the rest of your body during the movement, the muscles you end up activating, and the “rhythm” you get into during your set.

Watch the video, try the tip in your next pull up workout, and let me know how it helps!

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Personal Trainer

PS – If you’re stuck and can’t seem to make progress towards your pull-up goals, odds are you’re 
performing exercises that will NOT improve your ability to perform more pull-ups.

Exercises such as:

– Lat Pull Downs
– Band-Assisted Pull-Ups
– Machine-Assisted “Gravitron” Pull-Ups
– Bodyweight Rows

Do NOT have much, if ANY, carry-over to actually helping you to do more pull-ups.

(Don’t get me wrong – these are fine exercises in their own right, and I use them regularly in my programs!… it’s just 
important to know they they are not necessarily going to help you do more pull-ups, if that is your goal.)

If you want to improve your pull-ups, here’s what I recommend you try instead:

-> the “Physique Zero” Pull Up Progression Method

It’s called the “Physique Zero” Pull Up Progression Method, and it’s actually a free BONUS program you get when
you pick up a copy of the Physique Zero course.

Here’s how it’s set up:

1 – You “test out” at the beginning of the program. This helps you set a starting point, as well as a goal for 
the end of the routine.

2 – You pick the “phase” to start at, depending on if you are just getting started, more intermediate, 
or even more advanced. There are 10 levels total to progress through.

I followed a very similar routine, that used basically identical principles, to take my pull up total from 6
to 13 in about 10 weeks, leading up to the last Tactical Strength Challenge I competed in.

If you are looking to do more pull ups, this is a great resource I recommend you check out…
plus, you get a full at-home bodyweight strength program to go with it!

Details and order now at the link below:

-> “Physique Zero” Pull Up Progression Method + Full 12-week Bodyweight Strength plan

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Over 40 Training Specialist

Deck of Pain – Bodyweight Challenge Workout

The “Deck of Pain” is a tough and fun way to build muscle, burn fat, and develop superhuman conditioning.

Plus, you can do it anytime, anywhere, with minimal-to-zero equipment.

(A lot like the Physique Zero – 12-week Bodyweight Strength Plan for 40s/50s/60s+ we’ve been talking about this week!)

If you’re up for the challenge, here’s how it works:

1 – Grab a standard deck of 52 cards and assign one of the exercises below (or a variation) to each suit:

— Clubs – Squats

— Spades – Push Ups

— Hearts – Pull Ups or Inverted Rows

— Diamonds – Hanging or Lying Leg Raises

2 – Start drawing cards from the top and let the fun begin. The suit on the card determines the exercise, while the number tells you the number of reps to perform. Face cards count as 10, and aces count as 11.

3 – Keep drawing cards and performing the corresponding movements until you’ve completed the entire deck.

Give it a go, let me know how you do.

And if you like this workout, you’ll LOVE Physique Zero – 12-week Bodyweight Strength Plan for 40s/50s/60s+.

Keep up the great work –

— Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net

(video) Tip That Will Instantly Improve Your Kettlebell Snatch Technique

*Today’s post is sponsored by: the 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Kettlebell Challenge

Starts Monday, April 8th – Last Call, Sign Up Now!

-> 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Kettlebell Challenge


If you’re looking for a way to ease up on your body and joints while still being able to perform kettlebell snatches effectively, then today’s tip is for you!

Instead of bringing the kettlebell all the way overhead and then flipping it back down before each rep, try lowering it to your shoulder in between reps.

This will help take some of the strain off of your body, especially if you’re working with heavier weights.

Be aware that if you’re taking the RKC or SFG snatch test, this method is not allowed… in your regular training however it is a great option to work in! Check out the video that walks you through the technique for this tip here:

-> https://youtu.be/5TgX1AsfpfM?si=L1CRlblHnVmrd6ba

Thanks for reading and I hope this tip helps improve your form!

– Forest Vance KettlebellBasics.net

custom meal plan

In today’s message, I am going to provide you with a quick outline of how to create a custom meal plan to help you reach your goals!

*If you have any questions, find this process a bit too complex, or simply prefer us to handle it for you, the next 7 people to sign up for the 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge will receive a custom meal plan FREE of charge – learn more and sign up here.

STEP 1 – Determine Your Goals

What is your #1 goal for the next 30/60/90 days? This initial step is crucial as it helps us understand if you aim to lose fat and at what rate, which will determine the necessary daily calorie deficit.

There’s a bit of an art to this step because if we set the bar too low initially, you WILL lose weight rapidly – but you’ll feel miserable and likely struggle to adhere to the plan. Conversely, if we don’t cut enough, you won’t see significant weight loss. Thus, precision is key.

STEP 2 – Utilize a Calculator to Determine Your Starting Calorie and Macro Targets

Numerous online calculators take into account factors such as your age, weight, body composition, activity level, and weight loss goals.

STEP 3 – Build a Meal Plan Based on Your Calorie and Macro Goals

Craft a meal plan tailored to your specific preferences and meal timings, also taking into account your specific calorie and macro targets from the last step. I recommend a moderate amount of variation – three options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks per day strike a balance between variety and simplicity. This approach ensures you experience some diversity without overwhelming yourself with numerous meal and snack types.

That’s how we create your custom meal plan in a nutshell! Follow these steps, and you’re well on your way to success!

If you have any questions, find this process a bit too complex, or prefer us to handle it for you, remember that the next 7 people to sign up for the 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge will receive a custom meal plan FREE of charge – learn more and sign up here.

-Forest Vance KettlebellBasics.net – ForestVanceTraining.com

20-min Total Body KB Cardio Circuit

A lot of people think you need to work out for 45-60 minutes, six days per week to lose body fat.

With a specific and well-designed kettlebell plan, that is simply just not true!

Paired with a sensible nutrition approach, you can absolutely lose fat fast, working out with kettlebells for just 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times per week.

This is exactly what we do in the 20 pounds in 6 weeks Kettlebell Challenge (in fact, for the next 12 people to sign up, I’ll even create you a fully customized meal plan!).

Try this sample 20-min Total Body KB Cardio Circuit, then go sign up for the Challenge here:

-> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge

20-min Total Body KB Cardio Circuit

Do three rounds of the circuit below as fast as possible:

  • 10 two hand KB swing (recommended weight = 12-16k women / 20-24k men)
  • 5 alternating reverse lunges (recommended weight = 8-12k women / 16-20k men)
  • 8 push ups
  • 12 recline rows OR single arm KB rows (recommended weight = 8-12k women / 16-20k men)
  • 30 jumping jacks
  • 5 one arm KB swings per side (recommended weight = 12-16k women / 20-24k men)
  • 5 side lunges per side (recommended weight = 8-12k women / 16-20k men)
  • 8 close grip push ups
  • 12 reverse grip recline rows OR reverse grip single arm KB rows (recommended weight = 8-12k women / 16-20k men)
  • 30 high knees

Try this sample 20-min Total Body KB Cardio Circuit, then go sign up for the Challenge here:

-> 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge

-Forest Vance — KettlebellBasics.net — Forest Vance training.com