Kettlebell Turkish Get Up/Clean + Press/Snatch Combo Workout

Great new kettlebell combo workout for you today – first, check out the video:

To recap the workout:

  • Begin the combo with a single Turkish getup.
  • When you reach the top of the getup – you’ll be in a standing position with the KB locked out overhead – you’ll move straight into two clean and presses on the same side.
  • Upon finishing the clean and presses , you’ll do three kettlebell snatches on the same side.
  • When you finish the third kettlebell snatch, you’ll return to the ground from an overhead lockout position by performing the second half of your Turkish getup.
  • Repeat the combination on the other side, and do the entire circuit 3 to 5 times as fast as you can (and of course using great form).

Enjoy, train hard and talk to you next time!

Forest Vance, Certified Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my weekly newsletter yet, now’s a great time to do so! You’ll get a free copy of my beginner’s guide to kettlebell training, in addition to weekly kettlebell workouts, videos, training tips and much more – just drop your name and best e-mail in the box at the upper right hand corner of the page to sign up now!

Kettlebell Blog Overview – The Best Of

Kettlebell Blog

In the last 24 months or so, has featured:

  • Well over 150 blog posts
  • At least as many weekly email newsletters
  • Several original kettlebell training ebooks and video courses
  • A kettlebell-themed clothing line

And much more …

So naturally, one of the questions I get most from new readers (and long-time readers alike) is where the heck to start!

This post is going to provide a starting point for this kettlebell blog – even if you’ve been reading my posts regularly for a while, chances are there’s some things I mention in this post that you may have missed that could be of some value in your kettlebell training.  Let’s get started!

Where to Start

If you’re brand new to kettlebell training – or you’re still learning the basics – start with my ‘Best Of’ posts.  You can find these on the right sidebar from any page on the blog … you’ll find in these posts a ‘directory’, if you will, of kettlebell exercises, kettlebell routines, and kettlebell videos.

The Weekly Newsletter

If you like my ‘Best Of’ series, you’ll love my weekly kettlebell newsletter.  You get two free bonuses when you sign up – ‘Kettlebell Rx: 3 Training Mistakes And How To Fix Them’ (a KB training video) AND a copy of my ‘Beginner’s Guide To Kettlebell Training’ (e-manual).  Plus, you’ll get weekly email updates from me with new kettlebell workouts, videos, and training tips.

Programs + Products

Next stop is the programs and products page.  You can access this page from anywhere on the blog, too … it highlights my series of paid products that’ll help you make even faster progress towards your kettlebell training goals ….

The Kettlebell Basics Swing Manual is the ‘basic’ guide that teaches you the foundation of HardStyle kettlebell training.  This is where you should start.

The Quick Start Guide is an all-inclusive program that teaches you the five basic KB training moves.  It includes both audio and video instruction in addition to an e-manual … it’s a good bet once you’ve finished the Swing Manual, or if you’re just ready to jump in right away.

My Kettlebell Basics Premium Workout Series is designed to help you take your kettlebell training to the next level; it’s the progressive plan you need to make continued progress with your training.

The 10×10 Kettlebell Solution is a brand new workout program designed to help you gain lean muscle, torch body fat and transform your body in just 10 weeks, using just 10 exercises and 10 workouts.

And the Kettlebell Basics Weekly Workouts program is the one-stop shop for on-going workouts to help you reach any fitness goal.

More Recommended Resources

Finally, if you’re looking for additional – approved kettlebell resources, look here.  You’ll find recommendations for the best brand of kettlebells, interval timers, Dragon Door books and DVD’s, and much more.  You can find this page too at the top of this blog at any time.

So there you have a kettlebell blog overview – the best of  Whether you’re brand new to the blog or you’ve been around a while, take some time and check out the resources I’ve listed here .  There’s enough free info here to last you a long time and give you a great kettlebell training foundation … and, if you’re so inclined to save yourself some time and hassle, I’ve got an array of paid products to help you, too.

Train hard and good luck!

Forest Vance

Master of Science in Human Movement

ACSM, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Level 2 Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor

Don’t Make This Kettlebell Training Mistake (grab the April KB member’s workout)

It might sound cool, but using the shotgun approach with your kettlebell workouts is actually a bad thing ...

The ‘shotgun approach’, in the context of planning your kettlebell workouts,  is where you simply pick a random kettlebell workout for the day and do it.

While this may work in the short term (any new stimulus will typically provide results for at least a short period of time) over the long term, lack of workout planning will eventually slow your progress to a halt.

Obviously, you could figure this stuff out for yourself – and if you enjoy spending your time reviewing research, reading exercise science text books and learning the fundamentals of exercise programming, then I encourage it! More power to you.

On the other hand, you could save yourself a lot of time and money and just sign up for my Kettlebell Basics Monthly Workout Program (workout #2 is now available!)

With this program, I write a new, unique kettlebell workout for you every month that’s geared towards fat loss, lean muscle gain, and continual improvement with your kettlebell program.  You get a workout manual AND a video that’ll walk you through exactly how to perform, with great form, each and every exercise in the workout.  Plus, it’s priced super low so almost everyone can afford to get involved …

Workout #2 is now available … plus, when you grab my KB member’s workout #1 or #2 in the next 48 hours, you’ll get a free copy of my ‘Fitness Monster 5 Minute Abs’ manual!

To learn more about this program and to take advantage of this special offer, click the link below:

Kettlebell Basics Member’s Manual

Forest Vance, Certified Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor

New Kettlebell Workout + April KB Member’s Preview

Cool new video for you, plus a short kettlebell workout … first, check out the video – it features some highlights from this month’s Kettlebell Basics member’s workout:

And now for a sample from this month’s KB member’s workout –

Kettlebell Squat Clean and HIIT Cardio Combo

  • Start this combo by performing 60 seconds of high-intensity cardio (sprint, jump rope, etc.)
  • Immediately follow this with 10 KB Squat Cleans
  • Repeat this sequence as many times as you can in 10 minutes

This one looks simple but is surprisingly tough.  It could actually act as a stand-alone full-body workout if you’re in hurry, but it’s really just a short preview of this month’s full workout program …

BTW, If you’re wondering what a KB Squat Clean looks like, there’s a (very) short clip of me doing one in the promo video above – it’s basically a two-handed KB Clean combined with a Goblet Squat.  For a more detailed explaination (including video instruction) of the Squat Clean, pick up a copy of this month’s kettlebell workout manual and video 🙂

Keep an eye out for this month’s workout, it’ll be available Sunday, April 17th … I’ll notify you via email as soon as it’s ready (a great reason to sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t yet).

Enjoy the rest of your week and talk soon!

Forest Vance, Certified Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor

Is Lack Of Recovery Between Kettlebell Workouts Holding You Back?

Lack of recovery between kettlebell workouts could be what’s stalling your progress …

For years, I worked out at the same gym every day at the same time. I saw the same folks there day after day … and unfortunately, progress the vast majority of them made over time was, put nicely, less than spectacular.


I’m convinced a big factor was lack of recovery between workouts.

Even if you’re already aware of the basic info I’m about to cover, bear with me, because it’s important and it’s worth reviewing:

When you lift weights of any kind – kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells, whatever – you’re essentially tearing your muscles down. You need to give them time to recover and build themselves back up (about 48 hours) before hitting the same muscle group again.

Now, there are some exceptions to this:  Light body weight training, like Push Ups, Sit Ups, Squats, etc. can probably be done most days – depending on your fitness level. So can things like high rep and relatively low intensity kettlebell training.

But – in general the rule is 48 hours of rest before hitting the same muscle group again.

What you wouldn’t want to do, as an example, is hit your shoulders two days in a row with a bunch of heavy kettlebell pressing exercises. Less than 48 hours is too just little – and it’ll eventually lead to overtraining and stalled kettlebell progress.

There are a couple of different solutions to this problem:

1. You could train your entire body in one session and give yourself a day of complete rest before you hit it again.  This is the best solution for the majority of folks who are trying to lose fat, build a lean muscle, and improve their conditioning levels.  The main workout in the Kettlebell Basics Swing Manual would be a perfect example of this.

2. If you really want to train every day, you could split your body parts up – for a good example of what a workout like this would look like, check out this post: Kettlebells For Building Muscle

So it’s pretty simple, really:  Give yourself adequate recovery and continue to progress! Don’t train the same muscle groups two days in a row.  Incorporate this simple training tip into your programming today – it could be the key missing element in what’s holding you back from making progress in your kettlebell workouts.


P.S. Are you signed up for my weekly kettlebell newsletter yet? Do so today and you’ll get 1) my ‘Kettlebell Rx’ training video AND 2) my Beginner’s Guide to Kettlebell Training – both FREE as a thank you for signing up!  Just drop your name and best email into the box at the upper right hand corner of the page to sign up now.