10 Minute Kettlebell / Bodyweight Workout

Getting ready for our big kettlebell + bodyweight workshop tomorrow at the studio.

We’ll be teaching and training on everything from KB snatches to handstand push ups to Turkish get ups to muscle ups … it’s going to be EPIC!

SO – in the sprit of this event – I wanted to share a kettlebell and bodyweight workout with you today, that you can work into your routine.

Check it out:


Don’t forget – we have our Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts Mega Pack on sale over the weekend too – you’ll get 72 more workouts like the one I’m sharing with you today, video footage of a recent kettlebell workshop we put on at the studio, and a bunch more – learn more and get your copy at a discounted price at the link below:

=> Kettlell Boot Camp Workouts Mega Bundle


10 Minute Kettlebell / Bodyweight Workout

— 5 goblet squats

— 10 spiderman push ups

— 15 swings

— 20 mountain climbers

Get as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes

Watch the video that shows you how to do this workout here:


Okay, off for some final workshop prep.

Have a fantastic weekend!

– Forest Vance
Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement

PS – Grab your copy of my Kettlebell Bootcamp Workouts Mega Pack while it’s on sale this weekend at the link below:

=> Kettlebell Bootcamp Workouts Mega Pack (on sale this week, save 33%) 

TGU + Chin Up Ladder Workout

Training for the April 23rd Tactical Strength Challenge is in full effect.

Hit 405 x 5 on my final deadlift set the other day, felt great … on target to pull 500+ at the event (it’s about 5 weeks away).

Also working hard on the pull ups and KB snatches.

So … we are training 6x per week total for the event … on days 1 and 3, we focus hard on the big three moves that make up the TSC (deadlift, pull up, snatch) … on days 2 and 4, we are doing more metabolic – conditioning style workouts, along with some recovery work … and on days 5 an 6, we are just doing some light “recovery” cardio work.

Here is the workout from day 2 of the cycle, it’s a great one, thought I would share with ya.

NOTE – I put the weight I personally used for the workout for the TGUs … you obviously don’t have to use that exact weight … the important thing is to bump up a bit on each set (if you can) …

ALSO – I did 10/8/6/4/2 on the chin ups … this is perfect for someone who can do around 12-15 chins in one max set … you could also go 5/4/3/2/1 … or you can also do inverted rows instead (but in that case, I would probably double the reps) … or you could even add weight if 10/8/6/4/2 is too easy.


Turkish Get Up + Chin Up Ladder Workout
from the Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts Mega-Pack

1 TGU R/L – 16k
10 chin ups
1 TGU R/L – 20k
8 chin ups
1 TGU R/L – 24k
6 chins ups
1 TGU R/L – 28k
4 chins ups
1 TGU R/L – 32k
2 chins ups


Check out the Kettlebell Bootcamp Workouts Mega Pack for 72+ more workouts like this one:

=> Kettlebell Bootcamp Workouts Mega Pack (on sale this week, save 33%)

– Forest Vance
Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement

PS – Check out my best Turkish Get Up video tutorial here:


10 Minute Kettlebell Workout #2

We’re back with the 2nd installment of our ’10 Minute Kettlebell Workouts’ series!

Check it out:


10 Minute Kettlebell Workout #2

* Set your timer for 30 second intervals
* Perform as many reps as possible of each exercise during each interval
* Rest period is the time it takes you to switch exercises
* Rest 30 seconds between rounds
* Do four rounds total
* On the first and third rounds, do the lunges and swings on the left side … on the second and fourth, do the lunges and swings on the right

1 – Reverse KB rack lunges (R)
2 – Close push ups
3 – One arm KB swings (R)
4 – Burpees

See the video that walks you through this workout here:

Also – wanted to post a reminder on our Kettlebell + Bodyweight Workshop at the studio, coming up THIS Saturday, March 19th.

It’s going to be a LOT of fun … and if you enjoyed today’s video, this will be RIGHT up your alley! 🙂

Details and grab one of the last spots at the link below:


Have an awesome week –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor

Kettlebells and Testosterone (men only)

The last thing a man wants is low test levels.

It can lead to your hard earned muscle wasting away, an increase in body fat, and less energy.

The good news is, there are several things you can do to increase your body’s production of testosterone naturally and safely.

Here are three solid strategies to start:

1 – Lift Hard And Heavy

Get out the heavy KBs and train hard. Studies find that lifting weights for sets of 5-8 reps increases production of testosterone. Research finds that resting less between exercises helps too.

2 – Sprint

Another type of exercise that can boost your testosterone levels is to sprint. Results from a study find that performing maximal effort sprints for 6 seconds increased testosterone. Levels stay elevated after sprinting.

After lifting weights or on your days off, go outside and perform 6-10 max effort sprints. CAUTION – if you have not sprited for a while, ease into it! It’s WAY more intense than you might think.


Here is a sample workout, based on the ideas touched on above:

Hybrid KB Strength Workout

First, do:

Turkish get ups – 5 each side, switching sides each rep

Do one or two TGU’s on each side with no added weight first – ‘naked’, as they say – and increase the weight progressively each set, until you’re really challenging yourself on reps 4 and 5.

Then, on to:

(Pair 1)

Double KB squat to press – 6 to 8
Band pull apart – 12 to 15

Repeat for a total of three sets each.

Go for it on the kb squat to press. Use as much weight as you can handle with perfect form. Try increasing the weight on the second and/or third set.

For the band pulls, hold a resistance band in front of you, with your arms straight and the band at about eye level. Pull the band apart, keeping your arms straight.

(Pair 2)

Kettlebell crush curl – 10 to 12
Feet elevated close grip push up – 8 to 10

Repeat for a total of three sets each.

Grab a heavy kb and ‘crush’ the ball part of the weight, while you do bicep curls with it. Superset this with a foot elevated close grip push up.

Finish with:

High Intensity Interval Cardio

30 second sprint
30 second recovery

Repeat 10 times

Run or bike are the preferred modalities for the high intensity cardio. The ‘sprint’ portion should be HARD – like 9 out of 10 intensity. The ‘recovery’ portion should be EASY – like 3 out of 10 intensity.


3 – Avoid foods that negatively effect your test levels, and focus on ones that boost it, naturally

Thigs like MSG, mercury and aspartame have been proven to have negative effects on your test levels. Foods like avocados, eggs and red meat have been shown to have a postitive effect.

Check out the 24 Hour Testosterone Fix course here for a full program that focuses on this idea of eliminating foods that are killing your test levels, and focusing on foods will keep them elevated.

So there you have it guys – three ways to increase your body’s production of testosterone, naturally and safely.

Implement those strategies, and start gaining muscle, losing body fat, and increasing your energy today!

Train hard, and talk soon –

– Forest Vance
Certified Personal Trainer
Master of Science, Human Movement

New 10 Minute KB Workout + Win a Free Primal ‘Bell

Oh wow – today is a great day.

First off, I got a video for you to check out – it’s the first in our new ’10 Minute Kettlebell Workouts’ series.

Let me know if you dig it, and we’ll post more of these in the near future!

10 Minute Kettlebell Workout #1

Also, we are running a contest where we’re giving away a FREE 36lbs (1 pood) Chimp Primal Bell (a $84.95 value) – and YOU can enter to win for a limited time!

We are doing this give-away contest simply as a way to say THANK YOU to our loyal subscribers and customers … and as a way to help spread the word about our business.

This contest is 100% free to enter, and there are no strings attached. Simply click the link below and enter the requested info to enter to win.

*Please note – due to shipping costs and other technicalities, this contest is limited to North America only*

=> Win a Free Primal ‘Bell


– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Personal Trainer

Kettlebell Ladder Challenge Workout

Got a killer kettlebell ladder challenge workout for you to try today.

Before we get to it though, wanted to let you know – we are starting another Kettlebells for Fat Loss Transformation Challenge this week … and though *technically* all the available spots filled yesterday … we had one person who was going to participate, ending up having to drop out this morning due to unforeseen circumstances … SO, there is one spot remaining for anyone who wants it. The first one to apply, be accepted, and officially register gets in! I have copied details on the Transformation Challenge at the bottom of this message.

Okay – to the workout:

Kettlebell Ladder Challenge Workout

(workout recap)

This one is really simple, there’s three exercises- burpees, goblet squats, and two-hand kettlebell swings. These exercises are done in a ladder fashion for time.

So you’re going to start off with one burpee, make sure you clap above your head. Have your kettlebells set up about 5 feet in front of you so you can do your burpees then take a step forward and do your goblet squats and swings. So step forward, grab your kettlebell and do two goblet squats. Then do three kettlebell swings and set your kettlebell down. Step back and go to two burpees, 4 goblet squats, and 6 swings. Then 3 burpees, 6 squats, 9 swings. Go all the way up the ladder, as fast as possible, until you get to 10 burpees, 20 goblet squats, and 30 swings.

Record your time then come back and do the workout again in a couple of weeks or a month to see if your fitness level improves. This should be in addition to your normal workout program, it’s not a stand alone program. It’s just a fun way to mix it up and challenge yourself physically and mentally.


Details on the Kettlebells for Fat Loss Transformation Challenge

–This program is geared towards folks who want to lose fat, gain lean muscle, and make a serious body transformation using kettlebells as their training tool of choice (with some body weight exercise mixed in as well).

– We are looking for folks who have some training experience, but are looking to take it to the next level. Ideally have a basic idea of how to do basic body weight movements and / or kettlebell exercises. No serious, major injuries or limitations with your workouts. Must have a positive attitude, commit to working HARD, and no whining :)

– You’ll get a complete kettlebell and body weight – based training plan to help you lose as much fat as humanly possible over the next 12 weeks. This will include the workouts in written form, as well as video walk-thrus of how to do all the exercises in the workout plan. The workouts will be short and efficient … you’ll be training 3-4x per week, 20-30 minutes at a time, using just your own bodyweight, a kettlebell or two, and some other optional basic pieces of equipment like a jump rope and pull up bar.

– You’ll also get a meal plan designed to help you rapidly lose fat over the 12 week period.

– I will require that you check in with me personally at least once a week with a specific log of your workouts, nutrition, etc (I’ll have a list of questions for you to go through and answer each week) … but you can also email any time you have a question.

– If you have questions about your form / technique on any of the exercises in the program, you can send me a video of you doing the movement to critique.

If you feel like you fit the requirements above and you think you’re a good fit, fill out the application form below, and we’ll see if we can get you in:

=> Apply for the Kettlebells for Fat Loss Transformation Challenge here