“Hey Forest! I’m all set and pumped up for your “300” Kettlebell Challenge. What’s the plan?”
Awesome question!
Let me break it down for you ?
Take a look at this free sample “300” kettlebell-style workout. It’ll give you a taste of what’s in store for the next 28 days:
Free Sample “300” Kettlebell Challenge Workout
*Find exercise demos / breakdowns in the full program HERE
PART 1 (90 reps total) – STRAIGHT SETS – Perform the prescribed number of reps of the first exercise listed below. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat three times WITHOUT moving on the next exercise in the sequence. Rest for 60 seconds after you finish the round, then repeat two more times for a total of three rounds:
- 5 one hand KB swings per side
- 5 one arm KB presses per side
- 5 lateral KB lunges per side (alternate legs each rep)
PART 2 (90 reps total) – AFAP (as fast as possible) – Complete three rounds of the pair of exercises below as fast as possible. Alternate back and forth between exercises:
- 10 1-arm KB rows per side
- 10 spider climbs (5 per side) (alternate legs each rep)
PART 3 (120 reps total) – EMOM (every minute on the minute) – Set your timer to go off every 60 seconds. At the top of each minute, perform the prescribed number of reps of exercise one. Your rest is the time between when you finish your set and the next minute starts. Move on to the next exercise in the sequence and repeat. Continue in the same fashion through four rounds of the circuit total:
- 5 burpees
- 5 side plank hold with leg raise per side
- 15 prone skydivers (hold for one second at top of each rep)
This workout is challenging – you’ll be moving quickly and accomplishing a good amount of work (a total of 300 reps!) in a short period of time.
But don’t worry, it’s also highly effective. We incorporate various techniques such as straight sets, AFAP (as fast as possible), and EMOM (every minute on the minute) throughout the workout. These methods will help you gain strength, build lean muscle, and enhance your overall conditioning.
And here’s the best part – it’s a lot of fun! Give it a shot and see for yourself ?
If you want to take your fitness to the next level, make sure to check out the my full “300” Challenge program – it’s on a flash sale for Halloween for about 24 more hours! CLICK HERE NOW to learn more.
-Forest and the team at KettlebellBasics.net