Free Sample “300” Kettlebell Challenge Workout

“Hey Forest! I’m all set and pumped up for your “300” Kettlebell Challenge. What’s the plan?”

Awesome question!

Let me break it down for you ?

Take a look at this free sample “300” kettlebell-style workout. It’ll give you a taste of what’s in store for the next 28 days:


Free Sample “300” Kettlebell Challenge Workout

*Find exercise demos / breakdowns in the full program HERE

PART 1 (90 reps total) – STRAIGHT SETS – Perform the prescribed number of reps of the first exercise listed below. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat three times WITHOUT moving on the next exercise in the sequence. Rest for 60 seconds after you finish the round, then repeat two more times for a total of three rounds:

  • 5 one hand KB swings per side
  • 5 one arm KB presses per side
  • 5 lateral KB lunges per side (alternate legs each rep)

PART 2 (90 reps total) – AFAP (as fast as possible) – Complete three rounds of the pair of exercises below as fast as possible. Alternate back and forth between exercises:

  • 10 1-arm KB rows per side
  • 10 spider climbs (5 per side) (alternate legs each rep)

PART 3 (120 reps total) – EMOM (every minute on the minute) – Set your timer to go off every 60 seconds. At the top of each minute, perform the prescribed number of reps of exercise one. Your rest is the time between when you finish your set and the next minute starts. Move on to the next exercise in the sequence and repeat. Continue in the same fashion through four rounds of the circuit total: 

  • 5 burpees
  • 5 side plank hold with leg raise per side
  • 15 prone skydivers (hold for one second at top of each rep)


This workout is challenging – you’ll be moving quickly and accomplishing a good amount of work (a total of 300 reps!) in a short period of time.

But don’t worry, it’s also highly effective. We incorporate various techniques such as straight sets, AFAP (as fast as possible), and EMOM (every minute on the minute) throughout the workout. These methods will help you gain strength, build lean muscle, and enhance your overall conditioning.

And here’s the best part – it’s a lot of fun! Give it a shot and see for yourself ?

If you want to take your fitness to the next level, make sure to check out the my full “300” Challenge program – it’s on a flash sale for Halloween for about 24 more hours! CLICK HERE NOW to learn more.

-Forest and the team at

“300” – KB Challenge – BENCHMARK WORKOUT

As the moon rises and shadows grow longer, brace yourself for a fitness experience that will send shivers down your spine…

…the 300 Spartan Kettlebell Challenge is lurking in the darkness! ?

Try this bone-chilling sample workout from the full program:


“300” – KB Challenge – BENCHMARK WORKOUT

Survive 5 rounds for time of the circuit below. It’s your only way out!

–5 1 arm press right (8k women / 16k men)

–5 1 arm press left (8k women / 16k men)

–15 2 arm KB swings (16k women / 24k men)

–10 push ups

–10 lunges right

–10 lunges left

–5 burpees


This “300” – KB Challenge – BENCHMARK WORKOUT is not for the faint of heart. But it’s just the beginning—soon, the full 300 Spartan Kettlebell Challenge will materialize, ready to haunt your fitness routine at a special Halloween price starting tomorrow!

Stay tuned 😉

-Forest Vance — Kettlebell Expert — Over 40 Specialist — —

*Kettlebell Image courtesy of

3 Reasons for Kettlebell Knee Pain (and 3 things to fix it)

Do you find that knee pain is hindering your kettlebell workouts, or even affecting your daily activities?

Let’s discuss the top three reasons why knee pain occurs and more importantly, how to fix it.

No more letting knee pain hold you back from living your best life!

*If you’re searching for a comprehensive program that addresses all of your knee pain concerns and more, I can’t recommend this one enough:

–>> 10-minute daily routine to reduce knee pain

Top 3 Reasons for Kettlebell Knee Pain

Firstly, inflammation, which occurs when chemicals are released by the immune system or skeletal tissue, leading to swelling. This inflammation can affect a single joint or multiple joints simultaneously.

Another factor is postural disorder, which refers to the misalignment of the neck, spine, and hips while standing, sitting, or walking. This misalignment often puts excessive pressure on the front, back, or sides of the knees and can result in injury with even the slightest sudden movement.

Lastly, collapsing cartilage plays a significant role in knee pain. Cartilage is responsible for holding the bones together and providing flexibility while reducing friction. Heavy impacts from accidents, overuse injuries, or prolonged periods of inactivity can damage this essential component of healthy knees.

*The program linked below addresses all of these things and more:

–>> 10-minute daily routine to reduce knee pain

3 Ways to Fix Kettlebell Knee Pain

Here are three tips to address knee pain – from kettlebells or other factors:

  1. Stay active: Many individuals with knee pain tend to avoid physical activity altogether. However, this lack of movement can lead to further loss of flexibility and strength. It’s important to stay active while being mindful of your limitations.
  2. Engage in the right types of exercise: Research has found two specific exercises beneficial for knee pain – isometric contractions and timed static holds. Implementing these exercises into your routine can help alleviate discomfort.
  3. Follow a progressive exercise plan: Consistency is key when it comes to improving knee health. Gradually increase the difficulty level of your exercises over time so that each day builds upon the progress made previously.

Remember that everyone’s situation is unique, so consulting with a healthcare professional may provide personalized guidance tailored to your needs.

If you’re searching for a comprehensive program that addresses all of your knee pain concerns and more, I can’t recommend this one enough:

–>> 10-minute daily routine to reduce knee pain

All the best on your journey to a pain-free life! —

–Forest Vance
Specialist in Training for those Over 40
Expert in Kettlebells

“Domin8 the ‘Bell” – EMOM Challenge

Check out this workout we did at our KB boot camp last Saturday. It’s a tough one, but it really showcases what you can expect from the Extreme KB Cardio Conditioning course. This is your final chance to sign up, so don’t miss out! You can sign up here:

If you want more detailed instructions on how to do each move, including video breakdowns and more, you’ll find that in the full program too. Check it out here:


“Domin8 the ‘Bell” – EMOM Challenge

Complete the following exercises as quickly as possible:

  • 20 two-hand kettlebell swings
  • 12 push-ups
  • 16 bodyweight forward lunges (8 per leg)
  • 6 burpees
  • 10 one-arm kettlebell swings per side
  • 12 hand release push-ups
  • 16 kettlebell alternating reverse lunges (8 per leg)
  • 6 spider burpees
  • 5 kettlebell high pulls per side
  • 12 jumping jack push-ups (8 per side)
  • 16 kettlebell side-to-side lunges (8 per leg)
  • 6 x-body mountain climber burpees
  • 5 kettlebell snatches per side (lowering to shoulder after each rep)
  • 12 triple-stop push-ups
  • 16 walking tactical lunges with a kettlebell (8 per leg)
  • 6 rotating burpees
  • 5 KB snatch per side
  • 12 rotating push ups
  • 16 KB alternating reverse goblet lunges (8 per leg)
  • 6 alternating leg raise burpees


This is your last chance to join Extreme KB Cardio. Sign up now at:

–Forest and the Team at

NEW VIDEO – Kettlebell “Training Camp” Challenge Workout

Ready to beat boring cardio and kick your fat loss into overdrive?

Try this 28 KB “Training Camp” Challenge workout, then go sign up for the 28-day Extreme KB Cardio Conditioning Challenge at the link below:

–>> Extreme KB Cardio Conditioning

Kettlebell “Training Camp” Challenge Workout

Set up two cones about 40 yards apart. Start at one of the cones and perform the first exercise. Immediately following the swings, run / sprint to the other cone and perform the second exercise. Continue to run / sprint back and forth between the cones, performing the next exercise on the list at each one. Rest approx two minutes and repeat two more times for a total of three rounds:

  • 10 KB high pulls per side
  • 10 push ups with a shoulder tap (alternate sides each rep)
  • 10 single arm KB rows per side – feet together
  • 10 bodyweight split squats per side
  • 5 burpees

– Forest and the Team at +


Sign up for the full 28-day Extreme KB Cardio Conditioning Challenge at the link below:

–>> Extreme KB Cardio Conditioning

–>> CLICK HERE to watch the video breakdown that shows you how to do today’s workout

“Gray Wolf” KB – Tabata Finishers

GET – KettlebellBasics WODS – “TABATA CHALLENGE 2.0” Edition – FREE this week when you sign up for the Extreme KB Conditioning Challenge – details and order here –>>


I’ve got some new kettlebell and bodyweight tabata workouts for you to try out today.

This workout style is based on one of the pioneer studies on HIIT training.

The best part is, you can get a killer workout in just four minutes!

All you need is a single kettlebell to tackle these sessions. Here’s how it goes:

  • Give it your all for 20 seconds
  • Take a quick breather for 10 seconds
  • Repeat this cycle for 8 intervals

Each of the sequences below can be a complete Tabata workout on its own. Or, if you’re up for a serious challenge, go ahead and try them all in one session!

SEQUENCE ONE: One Hand Swings – Eight rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off. Do four rounds with your left hand, then switch to your right hand each round.

SEQUENCE TWO: Squat to Overhead Press – Eight rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off. Again, do four rounds with your left hand, then switch to your right hand each round.

SEQUENCE THREE: Burpees – Eight rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off.

For a demonstration of how to do these workouts, check out my latest Instagram video post in the upper left hand corner of the recent posts and reels area, here –>>

-Forest Vance — —


GET – KettlebellBasics WODS – “TABATA CHALLENGE 2.0” Edition – FREE this week when you sign up for the Extreme KB Conditioning Challenge – details and order here –>>

Beat the Clock – Extreme KB Cardio Workout

Not into boring cardio?

Give kettlebells a shot!

They’re a great way to keep your heart healthy and actually ENJOY your workout, all at the same time 🙂

Our 28-day Kettlebell Cardio Challenge is on the horizon, and sign-ups kick off this week.

Stay tuned! ?

In the meantime, check out the sample workout below.

–Forest Vance


Beat the Clock – Extreme KB Cardio Workout

— 12 push ups
— 20 one arm KB swings (10 R / 10 L)
— 5 windmills/side
— 8 goblet lunges/side

This workout is done “beat-the-clock” style. So on the minute, every minute, you’ll start a set of a given exercise. Your rest period is the length of time between when you FINISH each exercise and the next 60 second interval starts.

For example – do 12 push ups. If it takes you 30 seconds, you get 30 seconds rest before you start the swings on the next 60 sec interval. If it takes you 10 seconds to do them, you get 50 seconds rest. If it takes you 45 seconds to do them, you get 15 seconds rest. Etc.

Do three to five rounds of the sequence total, using this same work-to-rest ratio.

Are sprints good for conditioning when you’re 40 and older?

Do you ever think about the good ol’ days when you played sports and ran like the wind?

Sprinting brings back those memories!

But, if you’re in your 40s and beyond, you might wonder if it’s okay.

Well, guess what? It totally can be if you’re smart about it!

I’ve got a few tips for you below on how to sprint smart, especially if you’re training with kettlebells and you are aged 40 or more.

Plus, stick around for a special treat: Anabolic Sprinting 2.0, a complete plan to level up your fitness game alongside your kettlebell routine.


1 – Start Slow and Easy:

Imagine when you started lifting weights, right? You didn’t go super heavy right away. Well, it’s the same with sprinting. Begin with a few short runs and slowly add more.

2 – Warm-Up, Super Important!:

Before you start running, warm up your body. Do some dynamic stretches, like Frankenstiens, Inchworms, high knees, butt kicks, etc.

3 – Run Fast, but Not Super, Super Fast:

Going about 80% of your fastest speed is perfect. You get most of the benefits, and a lot less injury risk.

4 – Start with a Running Start:

Begin with a little jog, then speed up. It can be a safer option that’s also easier on your joints.

5 – Take Your Time to Stop:

Give yourself space to slow down, like when you’re riding a bike and gradually put on the brakes. It’s kinder to your body 🙂


Follow these simple tips, you’ll have a blast adding sprinting into your routine, and you’ll stay injury-free.

And don’t forget about Anabolic Sprinting 2.0 – it’s a complete course that will help you add sprinting to your kettlebell workouts, and it’s perfect if you’re in your 40s, 50s or beyond:

–>> Anabolic Sprinting 2.0

–Forest Vance

KB Boot Camp – “Tier” Workout (so that beginners AND advanced get an awesome workout, every time)

*My KB Boot Camp Workouts 2.0 course is going to be on sale for one more day only!

With the course, you’ll get KB Boot Camp Workouts 2.0, KB Boot Camp Workouts Original, the Illustrated Kettlebell Guide, and the KB Hacks Video Series.

It’s a must-have for coaches, trainers, and anyone who loves kettlebells!

But time is running out. Go here now:

–>> KB Boot Camp Workouts 2.0 – LAST CALL


Okay – today I want to chat with you about using a “tier” system in your kettlebell workout groups.

This is a game-changer!

Just yesterday morning, I was leading my Saturday kettlebell boot camp class. We had people at all different fitness levels – from beginners to those who are super fit and ready to crush it.

But the beauty of using my level system was that every single person had an incredible workout tailored specifically to their needs.

Listen up because this is key: I’m about to let you in on my secret sauce.

It’s all about the TIER SYSTEM.

Here’s how it works:

For each exercise we do in class, I offer both a “level 1” version and a “level 2” version. During our demo time, I show everyone how they can choose which option best suits their individual fitness level.

Here’s a great example for you:

LEVEL 1 – Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings (movement I learned from Dan John at the NYC RKC earlier this year – great for beginners to learn the hip hinge! – it’s like a slow-motion swing pattern for the lower body with the KB pressed into your stomach – get my course or Google it if you want to learn more)
LEVEL 2 – Two Hand KB Swings

So, let’s say everyone in the group is working out for 40 seconds. Level 1 can do Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings, while those at Level 2 can do Two Hand KB Swings. Everyone gets a fantastic workout and nobody feels like it’s either too intense, or not intense enough.

Even small adjustments like this can make a huge difference in the success of your workouts.

If you’re interested in learning more dozens MORE ways to lead the best KB boot camps, such as:

  • How to create a connection with your clients, no matter how many you are training at once
  • How to plan your workouts ahead so that they take the exact amount of time you have available
  • How to factor in equipment and training space for the perfect session, every time
  • Tricks and hacks to get everyone’s attention and keep the session moving
  • The “3-prong” teaching approach to making sure everyone understands the workout so that clients aren’t confused and asking you questions every 10 seconds
  • How to Lead a Large KB Boot Camp Group with Just a Couple / Few Kettlebells

Check out the link below:

–> KB Boot Camp Workouts 2.0 – LAST CALL

-Forest and the Team at

How to Lead a Large KB Boot Camp Group with Just a Couple / Few Kettlebells

If you find yourself with just a couple or a few kettlebells available for your kettlebell boot camp, don’t worry – there’s still plenty you can do to make the most of it! In my new kettlebell boot camp workouts 2.0 course, I show you exactly how:

–>> How to Lead a Large KB Boot Camp Group with Just a Couple / Few Kettlebells

Here’s one method I teach in the course. You have a group of participants doing a workout consisting of:

  • KB swings
  • push ups
  • KB lunges
  • reverse snowangels
  • burpees

In a standard set up, each person would need a kettlebell or two that suits their specific fitness level to get this done. If there are 10 participants in your class, this would mean having approximately 15-20 kettlebells on hand.

HOWEVER – if you arrange circuits throughout the room and divide the group into pairs, in this same example, only 2 people will be at each station at any given time. People rotate around the room on a timer, and you would likely only need around 2-3 kettlebells (4-6 in total) to accommodate everyone.

Although this might seem like a basic consideration, little tweaks like this can greatly impact the success of your workouts.

If you’re interested in learning more dozens MORE ways to lead the best KB boot camps, such as:

  • How to create a connection with your clients, no matter how many you are training at once
  • How to plan your workouts ahead so that they take the exact amount of time you have available
  • How to factor in equipment and training space for the perfect session, every time
  • How to get everyone’s attention and keep the session moving
  • The “3-prong” teaching approach to making sure everyone understands the workout so that clients aren’t confused and asking you questions every 10 seconds
  • How to set up the workout so that EVERYONE – beginners AND advanced – get an awesome workout, every time

Check out the link below:

–> 62 new KB Boot Camp Workouts

-Forest and the Team at