The “American” kettlebell swing has become a popular exercise among Crossfitters and other fitness enthusiasts. However, this version of the swing is actually quite different from the traditional Russian version, and it can actually be quite dangerous.
Here are three reasons to avoid the American kettlebell swing:
1 – The American kettlebell swing involves swinging the kettlebell all the way overhead, which can place unnecessary stress on the shoulders.
2 – The American kettlebell swing also tends to be quite jerky and uncontrolled, which can lead to injuries.
3 – The American kettlebell swing may target the arms and shoulders more than the legs and hips, and this can actually detract from the effectiveness of the exercise. The point of kettlebell swings is to work specific muscle groups, and by focusing on the wrong areas, you won’t get the full benefits, and you may even be more likely to get injured.
The Russian swing is the way to go if you want to avoid American kettlebell swings. It’s more controlled, which makes it safer. It’s easier on the shoulders. And you’ll target the intended muscle groups better in the legs and hips.
Check out the video tutorials in the 28-day Drop-a-Size KB Challenge (we’re extending registration by one extra day!) for more instruction on how to perform the Russian swing correctly:
-> Russian Kettlebell Video Tutorials (inside the 28-day Drop-a-Size Challenge)
The American kettlebell swing is a movement that should be avoided. I hope this article has helped to educate you on the reasons why. Please to the Russian version of the kettlebell swing instead, and have a great workout today!
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist