I’m excited to share a workout from my new Kettlebell Drop-a-Size series! These workouts are designed to help you lose weight, tone up, and burn up to 1000 calories in a single workout. We start at around 500-700 calories burned in each workout during the first week, and work our way up to 1000 calories+ by the end of the Challenge. This workout is a sample from week one. Check it out, then give it a try:
The 540 Calorie Kettlebell Drop-a-Size Workout
(Calorie burn estimate is based on this study where participants burned about 20 calories per minute – results may vary: Schnettler, C. ACE FitnessMatters, January/February 2010; vol 16: pp pp 6-10.)_
Do 3 rounds for time:
– 30 KB swings
– 30 Push Ups
– 30 Alternating Reverse KB Lunges (15 / side)
– 30 One Arm KB Rows (15 / side)
– :45 plank hold
– 30 Squat Jumps
– 30 Sit-Outs (15 / side)
– 30 High Knees (30 / side)
If you liked this Kettlebell Drop-a-Size Workout, you’ll love the full 28-day Kettlebell Drop-a-Size Challenge. You’ll get the workouts, the nutrition plan, and the personal support you need to drop up to a full clothes size over the next 28 days. Click here to sign up now, and hurry! We start Monday, August 29th:
-> 28-day Drop-a-Size Kettlebell Challenge
-Forest Vance – Master of Science, Human Movement – Kettlebell Expert – Over 40 Training Specialist – KettlebellBasics.net