1000 Calorie “20 in 6” Kettlebell AMRAP + HIIT Workout

If you’re looking to lose fat quickly, like in our upcoming “20 pounds in 6 weeks” Kettlebell Challenge, fundamentally, there are two main things to focus on:

1 – Reduce intake: You need to consume fewer calories overall than you currently do. It’s not just about eating less; we need to choose healthier, nutrient-dense foods and time them around your workouts for optimal fueling. But the bottom line is, we need to lower your calorie intake. We help you do this in a very hands-on way in the 20 in 6.

2 – Increase expenditure: We need to burn more calories than you currently do. This includes doing kettlebell workouts like the one below, adding more cardio sessions each week, and increasing overall activity levels:


1000 Calorie Kettlebell AMRAP + HIIT Workout

PART 1 – 25-min KETTLEBELL AMRAP (approx 513 calories total):

Complete the prescribed number of reps of the first exercise. Taking as little rest as possible, complete the prescribed number of reps of the second exercise. Repeat in the same fashion for the full kettlebell circuit. Go back to the top and do as many rounds as you can in 25 minutes:

– 20 KB swings – your choice of two hand, one hand, or hand-to-hand
– 12 push ups – regular, narrow, or wide grip
– alternating reverse lunges – add KB in goblet position depending on your fitness level / goals
– one-arm KB rows (palms in 1st round; palms forward 2nd round; palms backwards 3rd round; palms in 4th round)
– V-sit hold – 45 seconds

PART 2 – 25-min CORE + HIIT (approx 540 calories total):

Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 50 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds between moves. Rest for one minute between rounds. Do 4 rounds total:

– jog outdoors / on a treadmill / jumping jacks / jump rope / your choice of cardio
– plank / side plank (alternate each round)
– side shuffles (make sure to balance moving in both directions!)
– “reverse snow angels”
– burpees – modify for your fitness level / goals / etc


A good starting point is aiming for an extra 500 calories burned per day compared to your current level, while also consuming 500 calories less per day. This creates a net deficit of 1000 calories daily, which should result in at least two pounds of weight loss per week.

Give that a try, then go sign up for the 20 in 6 Challenge when we open registration later this week!

-Forest Vance – ForestVanceTraining.com – KettlebellBasics.net

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