KB / Nutrition Challenge – Jan 2022

I love talking about nutrition!

I’m almost passionate about it as I am about kettlebells 🙂

That’s because when it comes to transforming one’s physique, it’s so often the “master key”, the missing piece of the puzzle.

(BTW – I’m putting on a “12 in 12” – lose up to 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks – KB Transformation program, starting January 4th! Details and sign up here -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/12-in-12-kettlebell-transformation-sign-up/)

I have been in talks over the last few days with clients here at our Sacramento, CA personal training studio who are participating in the 12 in 12.

One thing I notice with a good percentage of folks is how much they eat out!

Grab breakfast on the go, grab lunch on the go, sometimes grab dinner on the way home.

The thing with this is that it’s just SO hard to eat well and keep your calories to a reasonable level when you’re eating out with such frequency – not to mention the amount of sugar and fat and sodium you ingest, etc

I’ve told a handful of people this over the last week:

Take the month of January, and CHALLENGE yourself NOT to eat out.

If you’re eating out frequently, almost guaranteed this will help you drop a few lbs.

You’ll get a little better at cooking and meal prepping in the process too! 🙂

Now obviously, there is a lot more to hitting your weight loss goals than this one thing.

But it’s the basics like this that are going to help you drop the weight in the long run, not the latest detox or carb cut or whatever else.

Each week of the “12 in 12” Kettlebell Transformation Challenge, we are going to meet as a group and go over little changes and habits that will stack on top of each other and turn you into a lean, mean, 12%-of-your-bodyweight-lighter-machine 12 weeks from now!

Get all the info and reserve your spot now at the link below:

-> FVT KB “12 in 12” Transformation Challenge

Look forward to working with you on this

-Forest and the FVT Team

PS – Stop eating out for the month of January, and you could pay for the cost of the 12 in 12 KB Transformation Challenge several times over! Details and sign up here now -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/12-in-12-kettlebell-transformation-sign-up/

Lose 12 Percent of Your Bodyweight in 12 Weeks with Kettlebells – EXACT Blueprint

In today’s post, I am going to give you the EXACT blueprint to lose 12 percent of your bodyweight over the next 12 weeks with kettlebells.

Are you ready?

*We have gotten HUNDREDS of applications for our upcoming “12 in 12” Kettlebell Transformation Challenge starting January 4th. I decided to shoot a video going through your questions, with a link to sign up directly if you are ready to rock. Watch the video and sign up here: https://forestvance.lpages.co/12-in-12-kettlebell-transformation-sign-up/


Lose 12 Percent of Your Bodyweight in 12 Weeks with Kettlebells – EXACT Blueprint

STEP 1 – Multiply your current bodyweight by .12

(EXAMPLE – I currently weight 225. 225 x .12 = 27)

Your answer is the number of pounds you’re shooting to lose over the next 12 weeks.

STEP 2 – Divide the number you got in step 1 by 12

(EXAMPLE – 27 / 12 = 2.25)

Your answer is the number of pounds you’re shooting to lose each week.

STEP 3 = Multiply the number you got in step 2 by 3500

(EXAMPLE – 2.25 x 3500 = 7875)

Your answer is the weekly calorie deficit you need to create to hit your goal.

STEP 4 = Divide the number you got in step 3 by 7

(EXAMPLE = 1125)

Your answer is the daily calorie deficit you need to hit your goal.



Now get to work!! 🙂

Create that calorie deficit through either eating less, moving more, or a combo of both, and you’re golden.

Be sure to track your food and workouts daily so that you can see what’s working, what’s not, and tweak things as you go.

On the big picture level, it really is this simple.

However, it’s NOT easy.

There are obviously MANY details left out, much much more than could go into a single blog post.

Not to mention all the lifestyle and habit changes required to make your goal a reality.

That’s why I’m putting on a “12 in 12” Kettlebell Transformation Challenge starting Tuesday, January 4th.

I am going to give you the kettlebell workouts AND diet plans AND lifestyle / habit information AND the coaching and support to help you SMASH your weight loss goals in 2022!

Get all the info and sign up now at the link below:

-> FVT “12 in 12” Kettlebell Transformation Challenge

Now you have the blueprint to lose 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks.

Good luck!!

If you’re looking for help, check out our 12 in 12 Transformation Challenge.

…and Happy New Year!

-Forest and the FVT Team at KettlebellBasics.net

“12 in 12” Kettlebell Transformation / Week 1

Are you looking to drop weight in 2022?

Here’s a simple tip:

Choose one goal per week.

This is EXACTLY what we’re going to focus on – starting week 1! – in our “12 in 12” Kettlebell Transformation program that will help you lose up to 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks. (Click here for details and to apply now -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/12-in-12-kettlebell-transformation/)

See, if you tackle everything all at once, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

But if you focus one goal goal per week, you’ll set yourself up for greater success.

For example, one week, you could make it a goal to get 150 minutes of activity.

The next week, you could make it a goal to cut back on added sugars.

Over time, when we start putting these habits together in a specific, strategic way, we see BIG TIME results, that last!

If you are interested in joining our “12 in 12” Transformation program that will help you lose up to 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks, we start January 4th. Click here for details and to apply now -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/12-in-12-kettlebell-transformation/

Here’s to making 2022 your fittest year yet!

– Forest and the FVT Team

Forest Vance “12 in 12” Transformation Program

Exciting news:

I am doing something TOTALLY new for 2022.

We’re calling it the Forest Vance “12 in 12” Transformation…

…the #1 goal of this program is to help you lose up to 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks!

If you’re interested, enter your best name, email address, and phone number below, and I’ll get back to you asap with all the details:

-> Forest Vance “12 in 12” Transformation Program

I am going to help you lose up to 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks with the exact workouts, nutrition, and lifestyle blueprint you need to make it happen, AND the accountability to help you stick to it, follow through, and get results.

If you’re interested, enter your best name and email address below, and I’ll get back to you asap with all the details:

-> Forest Vance “12 in 12” Transformation Program

– Forest Vance
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor
Certified Personal Trainer
Certifed Performance Enhancement Specialist
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach

12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell Workout

Happy Holidays!

Here is a fun kettlebell workout you can do to celebrate.

-Forest and the FVT Team at KettlebellBasics.net

12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell Workout

OPTIONAL – play / sign along to “12 days of Christmas” (Twisted Sister version) while you do the workout

NOTE – Workout is done “accumulation” style:

1 squat jump


1 squat jump
2 push ups


1 squat jump
2 push ups
3 kettlebell lunges


1 squat jump
2 push ups
3 kettlebell lunges
4 side plank lifts (per side)
5 jumping jacks
6 kettlebell swings
7 spider climbs
8 kettlebell side lunges
9 one arm kettlebell rows (per side)
10 high knees
11 kettlebell single leg deadlifts
12 burpees

Kettlebells for Abs – 5 min Upper / Lower Burn

Thinking about your kettlebell goals for 2022? Start with this Kettlebells for Abs – 5 min Upper / Lower Burn workout!

Perform prescribed number of reps of the first exercise. Taking minimal rest, move on to the next exercise and perform prescribed number of reps. Repeat two more times for a total of three sets of each move:

-1/2 Turkish get up w/ floor press

-“Twisting” V-up with feet over ‘bell

Watch the video where I show you how to do the workout on my Facebook page here -> https://www.facebook.com/KettlebellBasics/videos/604845994169498

Check out my full Kettlebells for Abs program here -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/kettlebells-for-abs/

-Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net

KB Holiday Gainz Challenge – week 1 / workout 2

Are you ready for some Holiday GAINZ!?!

In today’s video, I break down workout 2 for week 1 of the 28-day Kettlebell Holiday Gainz Challenge:

(I do a video like this breaking down and explaining every single workout in the entire program.)

Give the workout a try, and then sign up to join me at the link below:

-> https://forestvance.lpages.co/28-day-kettlebell-holiday-gainz-challenge/

Hurry, this is the last day to sign up!

-Forest and the FVT Team

Kettlebell ITRs – Sample Challenge Workout

Kettlebell ITRs

Kettlebell ITRs (individually timed rounds) are a POWERFUL tool to help you get better results.

Here’s how they work:

1 – Take a pair or circuit of exercises.

We’ll use a sample from our upcoming Kettlebell Holiday Gainz Challenge as an example – 1 arm KB presses and tactical lunges.

2 – Do the prescribed number of reps of each / all exercise(s) as fast as possible.

Using the same example, you’d complete the superset below for time:

  • 5 KB presses per side (recommended weight = 8/12k women, 16/20k men)
  • 8 KB tactical lunges per side (recommended weight = 8/12k women, 16/20k men)

3 – Rest and repeat for desired number of rounds. Try to match or beat your time on each round.

In our example, we rest for 60 seconds, then repeat three more times for a total of four rounds. We’d be sure to time ourselves and strive to match or beat our time on round one on rounds two, three, and four.


Why are kettlebell ITRs so powerful?

It’s a similar approach to workouts you’ve probably tried before, but also just different enough that it pushes you out of your comfort zone, and you get next-level results.

It’s also pretty versitile, and can be used for a variety of different goals. Whether we’re going for conditioning or lean muscle gain, we can change key factors like volume, intensity, rep ranges, and rest periods to make that happen.


Kettlebell ITRs – Sample Challenge Workout

Give this full Kettlebell ITRs – Sample Challenge Workout a try:

PART 1 – Do one warm-up set, then three individually timed sets of:

8 step ups with KB in suitcase position per side (suggested weight = 8 to 12 k women / 12 to 16k men)
:15 side plank hold per side

PART 2 – Do one warm-up set, then three individually timed sets of:

8 walking tactical lunges per side (suggested weight = 8 to 12 k women / 16 to 20k men)
5 one arm KB presses per side (suggested weight = 8 to 12 k women / 16 to 20k men)

PART 3 – Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds between moves. Do three rounds total:

Front plank hold
Jumping jacks
Double KB farmer carries (suggested weight = 16 to 20 k women / 24 to 28k men)
Seal jacks

…then go sign up for my upcoming 28-day Kettlebell Holiday Gainz Challenge at the link below:

-> 28-day Kettlebell Holiday Gainz

Look forward to working with you!

-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

28-Day Kettlebell Holiday GAINZ Challenge

When I first picked up a kettlebell back in 2008, most people didn’t know what they were.

All I knew is that after my training partner put me through a 20-minute circuit with a 35 pound KB (which I thought was going to be WAY to light at the time!), I was TORCHED… and I was hooked 🙂

I couldn’t BELIEVE what a great full-body workout I got in such a short amount of time. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced in my life!

Over the last 13 years, working as a full-time, kettlebell-focused gym owner / fitness writer / workshop leader / personal trainer, I’ve come to learn that kettlebells:

  • Are highly effective for building strength
  • Can create shocking changes in body composition
  • Are great for your heart
  • Properly used, are surprisingly safe

That’s why I’m personally inviting YOU to join my next 28-day Kettlebell Challenge:

-> 28-day Kettlebell Holiday GAINZ

I will take you by the hand and help you make more gains in less time by harnessing the power of the kettlebell. You’ll get the exact plan you need to make it happen, PLUS the coaching and accountability to stick to it! However, we start this Challenge in a few short days… so if you want in, check out the details and sign up ASAP at the link below:

-> 28-day Kettlebell Holiday GAINZ

Look forward to working with you –

-Forest Vance, Master of Science in Human Movement, Kettlebell Expert, Over 40 Training Specialist, KettlebellBasics.net

Holiday GAINZ Kettlebell Workout

About this time of year, I typically switching into Kettlebell GAINZ mode. December, January, February, and even March are all great times to focus on building maximal strength and muscle.

Truth is, unless you’re more of a beginner, it’s pretty hard to shed body fat AND get as strong as possible, all at the same time. You’re going to be a lot better served focusing on one goal for a period, then perhaps shifting gears in a couple / few months to focus on another.

Fortunately we have a lot of research that shows us the best way to train to gain muscle. Great news is, you can 100% do it using kettlebells. You just have to be sure to hit each muscle group with the right amount of volume and intensity, work in specific rep ranges, and pay close attention to your rest periods. Take this work out as an example:


Holiday GAINZ Kettlebell Workout

KB Presses (M suggested weight = 35 to 53 pounds; W suggested weight 18 to 35 pounds)
Do four ladders up to 4 reps each.

The pressing ladders will look like this:
C+P right
C+P left
clean, 2 presses right
clean, 2 presses left
clean, 3 presses right
clean, 3 presses left

2 – BURNER – set your timer for 17 minutes, get as many rounds as possible!
3 pull ups (use band assist if needed, OR do 9 inverted rows) –
5 dips (use low bars and foot assistance if needed) –
7 push ups (knees OR toes)
9 KB swings (32k recommended weight – men; 20k recommended weight
– women)


If you liked today’s workout, stay tuned – registration for my 28-day Kettlebell Holiday GAINZ Challenge opens tomorrow!

– Forest and the FVT Team @ KettlebellBasics.net