“Beat the Clock” KB Ladder Challenge – free sample workout: http://bit.ly/kbnogutsnoglory
Check out this free sample workout from my “No Guts – No Glory”
KB program, and grab the full course for free (for a limited time) at this link: http://bit.ly/kbnogutsnoglory
Set your timer for 30 second intervals.
In the first 30 second interval, do 2 kettlebell swings (24k for men, 16k for women). Your rest is the time between when you finish the prescribed number of reps and when the next interval starts.
In the second 30 second interval, you’ll do 2 push ups ..
In the third 30 second interval, you’ll do 1 KB goblet squat (24k for men, 16k for women) ..
And in the fourth 30 second interval, you’ll do 1 burpee.
That’s one round.
Keep the timer going, and start “climbing the ladder” …
So the second round looks like this …
4 swings
4 push ups
2 squats
2 burpees
And the third round looks like this …
6 swings
6 push ups
3 squat
3 burpees
Continue in this fashion until no longer possible!
Grab the full 7-day “No Guts – No Glory” program for free (for a limited time) at this link http://bit.ly/kbnogutsnoglory
– Forest Vance