I have a new kettlebell workout for you this week … but first, a quick story:
This story is about a client I’ve trained for just over two years. Over the time she’s worked with me, she’s lost over 20 pounds … and more importantly has completely changed her body. She’s lost fat, gained lean muscle, and looks fantastic.
The interesting thing is that when we first started training, she hated kettlebells! I couldn’t talk her into doing a Swing workout if her life depended on it …
The workout from this week is a lot like the ones I’ve used with her to ‘turn her on’ to the idea of training with KB’s … it’s a fast-paced, fat loss – oriented workout that ‘sneaks in’ some kettlebell moves throughout.
So whether you’re a hard-core KB lifter or still getting ‘warmed up’ to the idea of giving ’em a try, I think you’ll enjoy this one …
Kettlebell Bodyweight Circuit Workout
- Start the workout with a quick kettlebell warm up
- Your first exercise pairing will be Kettlebell Goblet Squats and Push Ups. You’ll do three sets of 15 reps of each. Do your set of Goblet Squats, move to the Push Ups and complete your set without rest, then rest 30-60 seconds and complete the sequence two more times.
- Your second exercise pairing will be Kettlebell Rows and Split Squats. Do three sets of 12 reps of each exercise, performed in the same fashion as the last pairing.
- To finish the workout, you’ll do 15 Kettlebell Swings, 15 Mountain Climbers, 15 Body Weight Squats, and 15 Sit Ups. Repeat this sequence of exercises three times as fast as you can.
P.S. Like this workout? Find more like it here —->> Kettlebell Basics Premium Workout Series