I was hesitant to share this workout with you today.
The CORE Kettlebell System is SO much more than just a bunch of workouts thrown together – and so sharing a one-off from the program doesn’t really do it justice.
But I have been getting a lot of requests for a sample from the program.
So here you go 🙂
Just keep in mind that this workout is part of a greater system. The workout done the day before and the day after is balanced in terms of muscle groups / movement patterns trained. This is more of a “strength” – oriented day, whereas other workouts from the program are more of a “conditioning” focus.
But this should give you an idea.
And heck – you can take this workout and use it with your clients and/or yourself, and see how it goes!
Also – it is possible that there are some moves / exercise names in this workout that you may not be familiar with. But don’t worry, all the moves in the program are either shown in the Kettlebell Hacks series included with the CORE Kettlebell System, or a link is provided to a video that shows how to do them safely and effectively.
KB / BW Metabolic Depletion Workout
from the CORE Kettlebell System
Perform each exercise for 20 seconds at an easy pace. No rest between moves; transition from one to the next. Do two rounds total.
Jumping Jacks
Bodyweight Squats
Wall Slides
1 – Do the following ladder sequence two times – starting back at the beginning after the first time through. Rest as needed, but as little as possible:
2 KB presses per side
8 split squats per side
4 KB presses per side
10 split squats per side
6 KB presses per side
12 split squats per side
2 – Do the following circuit 4 times, resting as needed, but as little as possible:
1 arm KB row – 12 per side
push ups – 10
3 – Do the following circuit 3 times. Each exercise is to be performed for 30 seconds:
squat jumps
opposite hip touch
cross body mountain climber
Hold each stretch / pose for 45-60 seconds:
modified downward dog
couch stretch variation
hang from bar
There you have a sample workout from the CORE Kettlebell System.
If you are SERIOUS about results …
If you’re looking for a complete plug-and-play training system that you can get started with TODAY …
If you just want to have solid base of effective and fun kettlebell workouts that you can refer back to for years to come …
Check out the CORE Kettlebell System at the link below:
=> CORE Kettlebell System
And here’s to your kettlebell training success!
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training
Owner, FVT Publishing and Consulting
PS – This is your early bird access to the program, because it’s at special discounted pricing for the first 100 customers.
=> CORE Kettlebell System