Today’s workout is one of my favorites.
The Turkish get up requires a high level of body awareness … it requires all of the muscles in the body to work together to accomplish the task … and it requires strong shoulders, hips, and core muscles.
And chin ups / pull ups are one of the best indicators of total body fitness. If you are a woman and you can do a few pull ups … or if you are a man and you can do 10 or more … you probably have a solid bodyweight-to-strength ratio, relatively low level of bodyfat, and good overall level of fitness.
Put these two moves together, and you got one heck of a total body workout!
Check it out:
Turkish Get Up + Chin Up Ladder Workout
1 TGU R/L – 16k
10 chin ups
1 TGU R/L – 20k
8 chin ups
1 TGU R/L – 24k
6 chins ups
1 TGU R/L – 28k
4 chins ups
1 TGU R/L – 32k
2 chins ups
Watch the video walk thru here:
So there you have it – one of my favorite total body workouts, the Turkish Get Up + Chin Up Ladder.
The only thing left for you to do is to give it a try!
Train hard, talk soon –
– Forest Vance