I’ll admit it. Until I learned how to do the windmill RIGHT, about three years ago at the first RKC II I attended, I did NOT like the exercise. It felt awkward, I didn’t know if I was doing it correctly, and it just didn’t feel like I was getting much out of it.
Then I learned how to do the exercise PROPERLY — and I quickly realized just how powerful it was for building core strength, shoulder stability and mobility, opening up the thoracic spine, “unlocking” the hips, and a whole lot more …
My goal with today’s video is — especially if you’re in the same boat as I was before the RKC II — to help you learn how to do the windmill properly … and to fully realize all the wonderful benefits it has to offer!
The Kettlebell Windmill (weightless,low,high / standard progression)
After you watch the video, some additional coaching points for you:
Kettlebell Windmill Progression
1 – Weightless Windmill
Start with a ketttlebell at the instep of your foot. Your feet should be pointed to the side at approximately 45 degrees.
Poke your hip out to the side. The movement in this exercise is coming from the hip and not the torso.Let the hand slide down the leg; tap the ‘bell and stand up.
(You’re imagining you have a kettlebell in your top hand throughout the movement here.)
2 – Bottom-Hand Windmill
Same exact movement; now you’re simply picking up the ‘bell with your bottom hand.
3 – Standard Windmill
Same movement — only now the KB is overhead. Arm is locked, shoulder is “packed” — same principles as the Turkish get up. Make sure you tense the glute and engage the core to stand up.
Kettlebell Windmill Workout
Now for a sample workout using the windmill, just so you can see how to use it:
— 12 push ups
— 20 swings
— 5 windmills/side
— 8 lunges/side
Do a set every 60 seconds. Do 5 rounds of the circuit total.
Total Body Abdominal Annihilation
And also, to remind you … I just finished putting together a new program, called “Total Body Abdominal Annihilation”.

In it, you’ll find:
– More of my favorite total body kettlebell and body weight exercises — like Janda Sit Ups, Windmills, and TGUs
– Simple to do yet SUPER effective total body ab workouts like this one in this article
– And more ..
Right now you can get this program FREE.
How? Just click this link (make sure it’s the LAST one you click before you order):
=> 0 to 6 Pack Abs
… check out all the details on my trusted friend Tyler’s “0 to 6 Pack Abs” program (on sale ’till the end of this week), see if it is a good fit for you … and when you grab your copy, I’ll send you a free copy of MY new program, “Total Body Abdominal Annihilation”.
(To get your bonus, just send your Clickbank receipt to my assistant at fvtraininfo (at) gmail (dot) com and she’ll get you all set up)
This offer is good when you order before July 12th, 2014.
Thanks, and talk soon –
Forest Vance, MS, RKC II