4 Min KB Workout

Did you know that you can get a solid workout in just 4 minutes?

It’s true.

Here’s the thing though – there is an inverse relationship between intensity and volume.

And this must be respected if you are going to get a high quality workout in a short amount of time.

For example.

I am running a fairly long endurance event this weekend – the Spartan Ultra Beast in Lake Tahoe, CA.

It’s the longest I’ve ever personally done by a long shot. 30.7 miles, 9400 feet of elevation gain, 70 obstacles.

So if I come out hot, going too hard out of the gate, I’m going to be in trouble.

I’m going to be working at a lower intensity, maintaining the pace I know that I’ll be able to last the whole +/- 12 hours that I expect the race to take.

On the other hand.

If I’m going to do a kettlebell workout in 4 minutes …

… like we’re doing in the 28 Day Kettlebell HIIT Challenge, starting this coming Monday the 30th

… it needs to be INTENSE.

I need to be at, or close to, my max, to get benefit.

This is exactly what Dr. Izumi Tabata did in his original study on HIIT training (we talked about that study in yesterday’s message .. I’ll link it up below if you missed it).

So here’s an example:

4 Min KB Workout

1 – WARM UP – do three rounds of:

– Easy sequence of bodyweight movements, working the whole body through all major patterns at an easy pace – five to ten minutes

2 – MAIN WORKOUT – do as many reps as you can in :20 of each exercise. Rest for :10 between moves. Do 8 rounds total:

– KB squat-to-press (right side)
– KB snatch (right side)
– KB squat-to-press (left side)
– KB snatch (right side)

3 – OPTIONAL FINISHER – Only got four minutes? No problem – roll with the main workout only. If you want more – do as many reps as you can in :20, rest for :10 between bouts, do 8 rounds total of:

– Burpees


– Yoga flow / static stretch – five to ten minutes


Make sense?

Think about that point – the inverse relationship between volume and intensity – at your workouts moving forward … and how the shorter the workout, generally speaking, you need to have a higher intensity.

Join our Challenge for more short, effective workouts and a full 28 day plan you can do any time, any place with a single kettlebell, here:

==>> 28 Day KB HIIT Challenge

And have a great day!

– Forest

PS – If you missed yesterday’s article, check it out below:


28 Day KB HIIT Challenge

Kettlebell and HIIT– style routines both offer a great way to get a quick, intense workout that burns a ton of calories in a short amount of time.

And we’re going to combine the two, so that you can get the best of both worlds!

We are looking for 38 ambitious kettlebell fans worldwide who are willing to undergo a 28 day journey to get into the best shape of their lives.

Over the next 28 Days, we will be taking you through every aspect of strength, cardio, and nutrition that’s needed to make this your fittest fall season yet.

Here are the requirements:

1 – You must be wiling and able to follow a completely done-for-you, kettlebell-based plan that has been tested and proven to deliver great results.

2 – You must be able to dedicate three to four times per week for 20-30 minutes for your kettlebell workouts.

3 – You must have access to a kettlebell or two and a small space to do your workouts – at home, in your garage, or in your back yard.

4 – You must be willing to focus on your nutrition, and /or (optionally) follow our done-for-your healthy eating plan that tells you how to eat and when to eat it.

5 – You must be willing to put in the work to get the results.

And here’s how the program works:

First, you sign up below. You’ll instantly get an overview of how the program works, along with a sample week of workouts you can start on right away.

Then, at the beginning of each week, we send you a unique training plan to follow.

This is new and different each week, so that you never have to guess as to how to structure your training, or know if you’re doing the right thing to reach your goals.

The theme for this Challenge is “Kettlebell Tabata” – so it will be HIIT – style Tabata workouts that use a kettlebell that you can do in three to four times per week in 20-30 minutes.

The workout plan is written in detail, and also has videos of each exercise so that you know how to do all the moves with perfect form.

Second, we send you an easy-to-follow meal plan to help you lose fat, gain lean muscle, take all the guesswork out and get the fastest results. This is the same plan hundreds and thousands of FVT clients have followed over the last 10 years to get amazing, life-changing results.

Third, we have you check in every day after you work out in our private group. That’s right. Accountability. It’s what you’re probably missing right now from your workouts if you’re not getting the results you want. And we have perfected this piece of the equation … it’s almost like you’re at FVT training with us at our of our physcial studios, but you can do it from anywhere in the world.

Sound cool?

Awesome. Confirm pricing details and register now at the link below:

==>> 28 Day Kettlebell HIIT Challenge

Look forward to working with you!

– Forest and the FVT Team, ForestVance.com

[new video] Kettlebell / Bodyweight Tabata Workouts


Forest Vance here, owner of FVT Boot Camp Gyms, and author of the CORE Kettlebell Challenge.

Today, we have three kettlebell and bodyweight tabata workouts for you to try.

Now this workout style is based on one of the pioneer studies on HIIT training.

And the great thing about this method is, with it, you can get a great workout in only four minutes time!

All you need is a single kettlebell to do these sessions.

And the way you do it is:

– 20 seconds of all-out intensity
– 10 seconds of rest
– Repeat for 8 intervals

Each of the sequences below can be an entire Tabata workout in themselves.

Or, for a serious challenge, try them all in one session!

SEQUENCE ONE: One Hand Swings – Eight rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off. Do four rounds left / four rounds right; alternate hands each round.

SEQUENCE TWO: Squat to Overhead Press – Eight rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off. Do four rounds left / four rounds right; alternate hands each round.

SEQUENCE THREE: Burpees – Eight rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off.

Check out the video below:

And stay tuned … registration for our new Kettlebell Tabata – 28 Day Challenge opens tomorrow.

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor

17 Min Extreme KB Conditioning Circuit

Our KB Boot Camp Workout last night at FVT was a doozey.

Thought I’d share here, so you could try at home:

17 Min Extreme KB Conditioning Workout

Set your timer for 60 second intervals. Start the first exercise when the timer goes off. Do as many reps as you can in the 60 seconds. When the timer goes off on the second minute, rotate to the second exercise in the circuit as fast as you can and get started (your rest is just the time it takes for your transition). You’re working on a running clock with this one – so it’ll take you exactly five minutes to complete the first round. Rest for 60 seconds between rounds, and complete three rounds total:

– KB Swings
– KB Press (beginner / level one option) OR KB Push Press (advanced / level two option) – do 30 seconds per side
– Recline Row (beginner / level one option) OR Pull Up (advanced / level two option)
– Bodyweight Squats
– Box Step Ups (beginner / level one option) OR Box Jumps (advanced / level two option)


Every day, hundreds of new people start training with kettlebells. But just a select few get it right. Make sure you get started the RIGHT way, with my KB Basics 12 Week Swing Mastery Plan (50% off, this week only):

=> KB Basics Swing Manual – 12 Week Training Plan

To your continued success –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor

Kettlebell Exercise Video Breakdown: the “Start-Stop Swing”

Are you looking to improve your kettlebell swing form?

Do you have back pain during or after your kettlebell swing workouts?

Do you feel like you could just get more benefit from the exercise if you had better technique?

Try this drill:

Kettlebell Exercise Video Breakdown: the “Start-Stop Swing”

And then get my 12 week KB Swing Mastery program.

To perform the start and stop swing, start with a great STANDING set up. This means, BEFORE you reach down to grab the KB, make sure your abs are braced, your shoulders are down and back, and that you’re ready to rock and get going in a nice athletic start position.

Then, the KB is passed back, it swings up to approx chest level, it swings back, and then it’s parked on the ground after EVERY REP.

The benefits:

– You can handle a heavy kettlebell – which means ability to use progressive overload, and make strength gains
– It helps us re-enforce a good start and stop position in the exercise
– We get practice using our lats to start the weight going from a dead stop position on every rep
– It helps us practice staying in great, athletic, safe position during the exercise


For dozens more drills like this one that will help you improve your kettlebell swing form, and a full 12 week program to take you from KB newb to HardStyle master, check out my KB Basics Swing Manual:

==>> 12 week KB Swing Mastery program

It’s coming off the market at the end of the week, but you can get it at 50% off for the next couple of days.

To your continued success! –

– Forest Vance
Certifed Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement

12 week KB Swing Mastery program

Not too long ago, I was just like you.

I thought I could grab a kettlebell and start swinging it around after reading a few articles and watching a couple of YouTube videos.

Boy, was I wrong.

Let’s face it, kettlebells are an awesome training tool, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you at best won’t get the benefits from training with them that you should … and at worst, you’ll badly injure yourself.

What you need is this:

==>> 12 week KB Swing Mastery program

See, after trying to teach myself kettlebells, and failing … I realized I needed some quality instruction to learn how to use kettlebells properly.

I started with books and DVD’s from Pavel Tsatsouline (the man responsible for bringing the current kettlebell craze to America and the master of modern HardStyle kettlebell training).

Next, I spent thousands on personal training sessions from a local kettlebell instructor.

I’ve since travelled across the country and paid thousands more (and untold blood, sweat, and tears) for seven separate kettlebell certification events.

And through it all, I’ve uncovered the secrets to simply and effectively teaching the HardStyle kettlebell swing:

==>> 12 week KB Swing Mastery program

In the Kettlebell Basics Swing Manual, you’ll be taken by the hand as I walk you through the ins and outs and technical details of how to perform the kettlebell swing – and how to use it to lose fat and get into phenomenal condition in record time.

Discover inside:

— How to master the fundamentals of the HardStyle swing, and all of its variations – you’ll be able to get a fast, efficient swing workout any time you want.

— A 12 week “swing mastery” plan – a complete workout program to take you from KB newb to HardStyle ninja.

— You’ll learn if you’re making some of the most common kettlebell swing mistakes – and how to fix them. The most common KB training problems, solved!

— FVT – approved KB YouTube videos – there’s a lot of info out there on the internet about kettlebell training – some good, but unfortunately, mostly bad. Here’s a list of my personally-approved videos to learn from.

— Turkish Get Up basics – you’ll also learn the basics of how to do the Turkish Get Up – the next logical kettlebell exercise in your education.

And much more.

But, we’re re-organizing our online store, and this course is coming off the market.

So if you want to grab it while you can at 50% off, details and order now at the link below:

==>> 12 week KB Swing Mastery program

Here’s to your HardStyle kettlebell swing mastery –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor

Monster KB/BW Interval Circuit

I am gearing up for a charity event we are putting on at one of our PT studios this morning.

We are going to combine a boot camp workout with an adoption event for the Sacramento SPCA.

So people come and do a kettlebell boot camp, and then the SPCA is coming out and bringing some of their dogs and cats to our studio for people to interact and play with after the workout.

It should be a lot of fun and we are anticipating a big turn out, really looking forward to it.

One of the things we want to do at these type of events is make sure to have a fun but also effective workout, so people can really feel the fat-burning and lean-muscle-building power, and not only adopt an animal, but also maybe come back for another workout!

So I was looking through my favorite library of workouts this morning to come up with some ideas.

And I came across this one from my friend Mike Whitfield’s Workout Finishers program:

Monster KB/BW Interval Circuit

Do the following circuit ONE time, resting as shown:

– Stability Ball Jackknife Pushups (50 secs), rest 10 secs
– KB Goblet Squat (50 secs), rest 10 secs
– Ab Wheel or Stability Ball Rollout (50 secs), rest 10 secs
– Bulgarian Split Squat (Left Side) (50 secs), rest 10 secs
– Bulgarian Split Squat (Right Side) (50 secs), rest 10 secs
– Close-Grip 3/4th Rep Pushups (50 secs), rest 10 secs
– Jumping Jacks (50 secs), rest 10 secs)
– X-Body Mountain Climber (50 secs, rest 10 secs)
– Bench Vault (50 secs), rest 10 secs
– Pushup Plank (50 secs), rest 10 secs
– Split Shuffle (50 secs), rest 10 secs
– KB Swings (50 secs), rest 10 secs


If you can’t make it to our Charity Boot Camp this morning, you can still get some fat-burning and lean-muscle-building this weekend, from anywhere.


And one more thing … while we’re talking about Mike’s programs, he has a brand new out I wanted to send a link your way to check out.

One of the big ideas is, with workouts like the one above, is dieting REALLY necessary to lose weight?

Pretty interesting.

Here’s a new article that sheds some light on the subject and will hopefully clear up some of the confusion surrounding this often controversial topic.

’till next time –

– Forest Vance

PS – You’ve gotta see the results from this 20-year long study. It explains A LOT.

20-Minute Labor Day KB Workout

It’s Labor Day in the US.

According to DOL.gov:

“Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”

If you have the day off, that means you probably have a little extra time to get in a workout.

The workout below is what we’re doing this morning at FVT …

20-Minute Labor Day KB Workout

Do as many reps as possible of each exercise in 40 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds between moves. Do 4 rounds total:

– KB squat-to-press (switch hands each round)
– hanging knees raises (beginner) or toes-to-bar (advanced)
– KB swings
– burpees
– recline rows (beginner) or pull ups (advanced)


4 “Old School” Strength gifts (free)

I decided to get together a few of my fitness expert colleagues, and do a special event around Strength and Health.

We’ve all contributed programs and workout routines in the old school theme, and you can get them for a limited time, totally free.

But this is the last day of the event. Details and get the free gifts at the link below:

==>> 4 “Old School” Strength gifts (free)


Kettlebell Workout for Men and Women 50+

When I ask men and women over 50 what their goals are, most of the time it really boils down to this: You want to improve and prolong the ability to do what you love.

Whatever those things are, you need strength, mobility, and a body that works for you, to make it happen.

And as it turns out, kettlebells are the perfect tool for the job.

The only drawback is, there are not a lot of kettlebell programs out there designed SPECIFICALLY for the 50+ crowd and their goals in mind.

That is, until now.

Check out my new Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness workout – it’s designed specifically for men and women 50+:

==>> Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness

How to Fix KB Lower Back Pain

Another thing we focus on in Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness is making sure you AVOID many of the common mistakes made when training with kettlebells.

For example – a common thing I hear is that people end up getting lower back pain.

Now. If you have specific conditions you’re working with – a back injury, for example – that’s a different story, and is something you should get checked out before starting. Giving recommendations on that sort of thing is beyond my scope of practice and area of expertise.

However – if you are otherwise healthy, lower back pain is NOT something you should be experiencing.

Here are three common KB training mistakes that could be a cause, and how to fix them:

1 – Swinging the KB too close to the ground

Many people swing the Kettlebell too low to the ground as it comes down.

This makes the move much harder and less efficient … and it is also potentially dangerous.

Instead, make sure that the handle of the KB stays above your your knee level as it comes down. This will give you the best leverage and keep the pressure off of your back.

==>> More common KB training mistakes and fixes detailed in Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness

2 – Using sloppy form to pick up the Kettlebell

As people get set to swing the ‘bell, a SUPER common mistake is that they simply use sloppy form.

People will round their back and give zero thought to engaging the core muscles.

This is a BIG no-no, and very dangerous.

It puts your back in a poor starting position, and it also sets you up for bad technique during the exercise.

Make sure that your back is flat and your abs are engaged when you pick up the KB and get it set for your first rep of a set.

3 – Overextending at the top of the movement

It can be easy to let your hips go too far at the top of a KB swing.

This is hard on the back, and also you lose power when you do it.

Instead, think about finishing the exercise in a “standing plank” position.

At the finish of the exercise, your knees, hips, shoulders and head should all form a perfectly straight line.


To sum up, Kettlebells swings are a fantastic exercise for rapid fat loss and sending your conditioning levels through the roof.

But make any of the mistakes outlined in today’s article when you do them, and you put yourself at risk for lower back pain.

Stick to the recommendations to improve your form, and you will be on your way to SAFE rapid fat loss with Kettlebell swings!

– Forest Vance
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement
creator, Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness

PS – Have you checked out these kettlebell workouts for men and women over 50?

We focus on training techniques like we talked about in today’s article that are specifically for making sure you’re using kettlebells safely and effectively to reach your goals.

And, it’s on a dime sale this week – so check it out now for the best deal:

==>> Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness – KB program for men and women over 50