If you were stuck on a desert island and could only use one piece of fitness equipment, what would it be?
Someone asked me this question recently, and I answered without hesitation:
A kettlebell!

That’s because with just a single kettlebell, you can work every muscle group in your body, plus get a strength AND cardio workout, all at the same time.
You can even do workouts like this one, a sample from our upcoming 28-day Kettlebell EMOM Gainz Challenge:
“Desert Island” EMOM Gainz Kettlebell Workout
Set your timer to go off every 60 seconds.
At the beginning of the first 60 second interval, complete the prescribed number of reps of the first exercise. Your rest period is the time between you complete the prescribed number of reps, and the second interval starts.
At the beginning of the second 60 second interval, complete the prescribed number of reps of the second exercise. Your rest period is the time between you complete the prescribed number of reps, and the third interval starts.
Continue in this fashion, completing a total of three rounds non-step of the circuit of exercises below:
— KB Turkish get up – 1 rep per side
— 1 arm KB swing – 7 reps per side
— Alternating KB goblet lunge – 7 per side
— 12 1 arm KB rows per side
— 5-10 burpees (do lower or higher reps, and modify as needed according to fitness level)
At a time like now when many gyms are still operating at limited capacity, it’s important to have the skills and knowledge to be able to get a great workout with minimal equipment if you want to have the power to keep working towards your fitness goals, no matter what.
The “Desert Island” EMOM Gainz Kettlebell Workout I shared with you today will help you work every muscle group in your body, plus get a strength AND cardio workout, all at the same time… with just a single kettlebell, in about 20 minutes!
Learn more about our upcoming 28-day KB EMOM Gainz Challenge by clicking here now.
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist