If you want to make continual progress with your kettlebell program, and STAY at your training goals once you’ve reached them …
You need to always be on top of things, and monitoring, and in the mindset of correcting course and getting yourself back on track if needed.
And I am a huge believer in this idea.
BUT … I am ALSO a big believer in the idea that you have to know yourself … and what approach will work for YOU.
Because some folks can do this by themselves. But some folks are MUCH better off working with a coach.
You see, for me personally, having a coach in areas of my life that I really want to excel in has been instrumental – for as long as I can remember.
In just a few days, I’m heading out to re-certify for one of my KB certifications. Not only have I paid top dollar to go – which is motivation for me in itself! – I have been working with a coach to help me to get ready for the strength and fitness standards that I must meet.
When it comes to goals I have in my businesses, I also have coaches to help me stay accountable and track with reaching my goals, setting new ones, etc.
This is also why so many people train with us at FVT for years and years – they know that while they COULD do their workouts on their own, they are going to get so much better results if they’re having someone hold them accountable and there to keep them on track.
If you know that YOU are the type of person needs accountability, motivation, and just someone to help you and coach you along the way … then you might want to consider applying for my Elite KB Coaching program.
Three of my Elite Coaching clients graduated from the program at the end of May, and I have three spots that have opened up. But the honest truth is that I only can work with about 10 people at a time in this program … so if you are interested and would like to apply, then read the details below, and submit your application ASAP for consideration. This message is going out to nearly 20,000 FVT kettlebell newsletter readers / blog followers / FB fans / etc, and the 3 open spots will very likely fill by the end of the weekend.
SO many times I have seen a great coach be THE difference that takes someone from getting just okay results … working towards WHATEVER goal they are working towards in life … to GREAT results … and I hope that YOU can be my next success story! 🙂
Here’s why you might consider applying for my Elite Kettlebell Coaching program:
– You are training with kettlebells, and it’s going okay, but you know you need professional advice and opinion and form critique to take it to the next level
– You’re training for an event or certification – like the RKC or the PCC – and you need help getting ready for it
– You’ve got a lot of value out of my emails/blog posts/videos/programs and products, and now you’re just ready to take it to the next level and get more access and attention to detail in a coaching program
– You’re a fit pro yourself, and you know YOU need a coach to help you stay on track and get results … and just to be frank about it, you want someone who is highly qualified, which isn’t always so easy to find on a local level
Here’s how the process works moving forward:
1 – Click the link below, and fill out the application.
2 – On filling out the application – if approved – you will be taken to a page where you can schedule a 15 minute phone call for us to touch base and see if the program is a great fit for both of us.
3 – If we decide together that it’s a good fit to help you reach your goals, we’ll get payment set up, and I will send you over a new client intake questionnaire.
4 – You’ll fill out the questionnaire in it’s entirety … and when I get it back from you, I will design you a custom workout and nutrition plan.
5 – You’ll check in with me as often as you like, but at least every week. I’ll help you tweak your workouts, your meal plan, etc to get to your goals as
fast as possible. If you’d like to send me videos of you doing exercises so I can critique your form, I am happy to do that as well.
6 – Each month I’ll send you a new workout and meal plan based on your goals, your previous month’s progress, etc
=> Click here to apply to train with me online
– Forest Vance
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training
Master of Science, Human Movement
Level 2 Certified Russian Kettlebell
Certified Personal Trainer
Certifed Performance Enhancement Specialist
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach