I just got back from a quick trip to SoCal this weekend to see my oldest friend Tim – we have known each other since we were 2 years old!
Tim is doing some awesome work these days with his “Movement of Inspiration” – you can follow his journey on his Instagram account, @inspirewithwords.
We hung out and went out on the town on Friday night … and then got up early to do a KB workout at his local gym, eat a healthy breakfast, and then go for a hike in the Hollywood Hills, where Tim lives (pic above is of us at the top of the climb – and a view of all of LA in the background!)
Here is the KB workout I did in the gym this morning before heading out for the hike:
(Kettlebell Challenge Workout #6)
1 – KB renegade row + KB walking lunge
– 10 reps of each (5 each side on the renegade rows – put one hand on a
box or some other elevated object on the side that’s resting if you only
have a single kettlebell)
– no rest between exercises
– rest about 60 seconds after completing pairing, then repeat two more
times for a total of three sets each
2 – KB goblet squat + push up
– 10 reps of each
– no rest between exercises
– rest about 60 seconds after completing pairing, then repeat two more
times for a total of three sets each
3 – FINISH the session with (work for 30 seconds, rest for 10, repeat circuit
three times total):
– burpees
– shuttle runs, back and forth between cones about 10 yards apart
– repeating squat jumps
– bear crawls, back and forth between cones about 10 yards apart
Now I am off to spend some time with family time for the rest of the weekend.
Don’t forget to get your copy of my Ultimate Kettlebell Challenge workouts course at the special “Summer 2016 / Father’s Day Re-Launch Sale” price before tomorrow night:
=> Ultimate Kettlebell Challenge Workouts Summer 2016 / Father’s Day Sale
And hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend as well!
– Forest