Are you looking for a workout that will burn you to a crisp? Then look no further than this kettlebell complex + circuit workout.
This workout is perfect for those who are looking for a challenge and are not afraid of a little (or a lot) of sweat!
BTW – is workout #13 from kettlebell boot camp workouts.
You’ll get 19 more like this in the main program, plus 20 more in the CORE Kettlebell Challenge that you get as a free bonus, plus dozens more ideas for warm ups, finishers, and more.
Get it now at the link below, the sale ends tomorrow:
-> KB Boot Camp Workouts – 2022 plus bonuses)
What are you waiting for? Grab a kettlebell and get ready to sweat!
Kettlebell Complex + Circuit Workout That Will Burn You To A Crisp
WARM UP / PART 1 – Do two rounds of the circuit below, using light weights, resting minimally between exercises:
– 10 KB horn grab cleans
– 5 single arm KB bent rows per side w/ pause at top
– :30 plank hold
PART 2 – Get as many reps as you can of each move / sequence in one minute. Running clock, NO REST between moves, your rest is just the time it takes you to go from one exercise to the next. Rest for one minute between rounds, do three to five rounds total:
— KB complex: 3 KB press L/R – 4 rack squat squat L/R – 5 1 arm swing L/R; repeat
— Burpees (any style)
— Alternating KB reverse lunges
— Shuttle Sprint or Jump jacks
FINISHER / PART 3 – Get with a partner. BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU, get through the sequence below as fast as you can. Also, stop at the top of each minute
and everyone completes 3 burpees!
— 50 KB squat to overhead press
— 100 box step ups
— 150 two hand kettlebell swings
This is workout #13 from kettlebell boot camp workouts.
You’ll get 19 more like this in the main program, plus 20 more in the CORE Kettlebell Challenge that you get as a free bonus, plus dozens more ideas for warm ups, finishers, and more.
Get it now at the link below, the sale ends tomorrow:
-> KB Boot Camp Workouts – 2022 plus bonuses)
-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
SFG-Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Owner, FVT Personal Training (gym in Sacramento, CA)
Owner, KettlebellBasics.net (online / worldwide)