Kettlebell 5×5 – HOLIDAY GAINZ Workout

Hey guys! So, we had our first snowfall here in KC last night. Can you believe it? Winter is in full swing and that means it’s time to switch up my training routine.

During the colder months, I like to focus more on building muscle and strength. It’s all about getting that solid foundation before I turn my attention to getting lean for summer.

This year, I’ve really been loving kettlebell workouts. They’re a great way to get strong and stay in shape without putting too much strain on your body or joints.

Now, you may have heard of the 5×5 workout program – a classic strength training routine popularized by Bill Starr back in the ’70s. Well, I’ve taken that same concept and adapted it for kettlebells!

In my KB 5×5 program, we do 5 sets of 5 reps with different kettlebell exercises. The goal is still to increase strength and size, just with a twist!

If you want to try out a sample workout, go ahead and give it a shot. And if you’re interested in the full program, you can grab it HERE while it’s on sale this Black Friday weekend.

Hope you enjoy the workout! Let’s crush those holiday gainz together!


Kettlebell 5×5 – HOLIDAY GAINZ Workout

PART 1 – Do 5 reps of exercise one. Rest 60-120 seconds. Do exercise 2. Rest 60-120 seconds. Go back to exercise one and complete a total of five rounds. When you can get 5 sets of 5 reps of movement #1, progress – adjust lifting tempo, reduce rest period, pick a harder exercise variation, or increase weight:

1 – Single / Double KB Front Squat (can use un-even ‘bells – if only one KB, do TEN reps instead of 5)

2 – burpees – any style – 7

PART 2 – Do 5 reps of exercise one. Rest 60-120 seconds. Do exercise 2. Rest 60-120 seconds. Go back to exercise one and complete a total of five rounds. When you can get 5 sets of 5 reps of movement #1, progress – adjust lifting tempo, reduce rest period, pick a harder exercise variation, or increase weight:

1 – Single arm KB swing / snatch – 5 reps per side – go as heavy as possible with good form

2 – plank hold with opposit shoulder tap:35

PART 3 – Do as many reps as you can of exercise one in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of exercise two in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do three rounds total:

1- Split squat – right leg – add weight

2 – Side plank with leg lift – right side

3 – Split squat – left leg – add weight

4 – Side plank with leg lift – left side

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