Exciting news – I have written a chapter in a new book called “Healthy Habits For A Happier Life”!
The book launches this weekend on Amazon.com, and you can get a copy at the link below (starting at .99 for the Kindle version!):
-> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C772XJ82
My chapter topic is Kettlebells for Men Over 40. There are 21 other experts involved in this project, with chapters on topics like:
- How to develop a warrior mindset
- Maximimizing performance in sport and life
- Injury-proofing your body for longevity and living life to the fullest
And MANY more.
I really pleased how it turned out, I think it will be a valuable resource for you!
Get it now at the link below:
-> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C772XJ82
Peace –
-Forest Vance
PS – We also have a package of bonuses that you get when you buy the book this weekend! You will get:
- “300” KB Challenge Workouts (from yours truly)
- Core Power Workouts
- The 5 Pound Challenge
And MANY more.
To get the bonuses:
1 – Buy the book on Amazon here: -> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C772XJ82
2 – Email your purchase receipt to fvtcustomerservice (at) gmail.com (you MUST send this email to THIS ADDRESS ONLY to get the bonuses!)