It’s summer time!
You’d things would be slowing down by now, not so much! 😉
It’s a crazy day, but I wanted to take a second this morning to share some two updates:
First, we have the free Evatec “Hybrid” Duffel Bag promotion going on. These high-quality duffel bags can be used as your everyday carry bag and can also be converted into a backpack. I take mine with me almost everywhere I go! It’s an incredible deal, and all you need to do is cover the shipping from the seller warehouse. Click here to grab yours now –>
-> free Evatec “Hybrid” Duffel Bag

Additionally, I’m looking for 10 more people to join my kettlebell program. This program is designed to help individuals over 40 learn how to use kettlebells safely and effectively, build strength, and potentially lose up to 12 percent of their body weight over the next 12 weeks. If you’re interested, simply click the link below, fill out the interest form, and I’ll provide you with more information –>
-> One-to-One Personal KB Coaching – Looking for 10

Once I have a little more time, I will also share some insights and tips I’ve gained during some travels this summer that will really help with your kettlebell and fitness goals.
Stay tuned, have a great day! –
— Forest Vance – – –