It’s summer, and it’s time to work on your abs!
Check out this workout called “Abocalypse Now” that only takes 18 minutes using kettlebells.
Get ready to feel the burn… and stay tuned for my upcoming training plan focused on Kettlebells for Abs! It will be available for purchase later this week.
— Forest @ KettlebellBasics.net
“Abocalypse Now” – 18-min Kettlebells for Abs Workout
PART 1 – Every minute, on the minute, do 6 split squats per side w/ KB in rack position (rack same side as forward foot) – 8k women / 12k men – do 4 rounds total
PART 2 – Complex: do as many reps as you can of each exercise in :45. Flow from one move to the next without rest. Rest for approx :60 between rounds. Do 3 rounds total:
- KB suitcase reverse lunge (one side for full work period; switch sides after each round) (8k women / 16k men)
- KB single leg deadlift (one side for full work period; switch sides after each round) (8k women / 16k men)
- Hand-to-hand KB swings (12k women / 20k men)
- Push ups (hands elevated, knees, or toes) with plank jack
PART 3 – Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds between moves. Repeat for 3 rounds total:
- Star jump
- Plank hold