1000 Kettlebell Challenge Workout

Quick-hitting kettlebell workouts rock.

They are great for building all-around health and fitness.

Whether your goals are losing fat, gaining lean muscle, or improving performance for sports you enjoy, they deliver.

And maybe one of the best parts is that you can do them any time, any place, in a short amount of time.

If you want all the benefits decribed above, plus a real mental and physical challenge, try today’s 1000 Kettlebell Challenge Workout.

It’s a sample from our upcoming 28 Day 1000 Kettlebell Challenge:


1000 Kettlebell Challenge Workout

20 bodyweight squats
16 two hand KB swings
12 push ups
20 1 arm KB rows (10 per side)
40 jumping jacks
20 alternating reverse lunges (10 per side)
16 one arm swings (7-8 per side)
12 mountain climbers (per side)
20 gorilla rows (10 per side)
40 high knees in place (20 per side)
20 walking lunges
16 hand-to-hand KB swings (10 per side)
12 alternating shoulder taps (per side)
20 1 arm upsupported rows (10 per side)
40 split shuffles (20 per side)

Do 3 rounds of the circuit above for time.

Then, finish with 28 burpees, for an even 1000 reps.



This is a challenging workout.

It’s not designed for beginners.

Try it, but only if you already have a decent fitness base.

Because in the upcoming 28 day 1000 Kettlebell Challenge, we work up to this workout as a sort of “Grand Finale” at the end – so you will have been training consistently, building up your form, and practicing the KB moves for about four weeks before attempting it.

And, we be sure to give modifications and options too, so that the workout can be done by folks of all different fitness levels.

Bottom line: if you like short, challenging, effective, new, fresh KB workouts – you gotta get in on the 28 Day 1000 Kettlebell Challenge!!

Registration opens tomorrow, stay tuned.

– Forest and the FVT Team

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