Last time, I did an overview of the basic kettlebell exercises – if you haven’t read that post yet, you can check it out here: Double Kettlebell Exercises – The Basics
Today I’m going to give you two sample double kettlebell workouts that utilize the exercises we went over last time; one circuit-style workout that’s oriented towards fat loss and another one that’s designed with a muscle gain goal in mind.
1. Double Kettlebell Circuit Workout For Fat Loss
This one combines each double kettlebell drill into a circuit workout:
- 10 Double Snatches
- 15 Double Squats
- 10 Double Clean + Presses
- 15 Double Swings
Repeat circuit five times. Take as little rest as possible. Make sure to include a kettlebell warm up beforehand.
Double Kettlebell Workout For Muscle Gain
This workout is designed with a muscle gain goal in mind. I’ve added Pull Ups for a pulling exercise – you can hang a KB from your foot if five Pull Ups with your own body weight is too easy.
Perform exercise ‘A’ in each sequence, move directly to exercise ‘B’, rest 60 seconds, and repeat each pairing three more times for a total of four sets of each exercise.
Again, make sure to include a short warm up before your workout.
- 1A. 5 Double Clean and Presses
- 1B. 5 Pull Ups
- 2A. 10 Double Swings
- 2B. 10 Double Front Squats
Now you have an overview of the basic kettlebell exericses, how they can benefit you and help you reach your goals, a short description of how to perform five double kettlebell drills and two workouts using two kettlebells designed with different fitness goals in mind. Enjoy and keep training hard!
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