This is crazy.
I actually did it on a bet.
My friend Master SFG Instructor, Geoff Neupert bet me I could lose ONE pound in just ONE day from a 14-minute kettlebell complex workout.
Well, I was wrong.
The morning that I tried this workout, I was 246. The next day, I woke up at 245.5! From 14 minutes of work. Never done that before!
Anyway, here’s a video from Geoff detailing the workout.
=> (video) Kettlebell Complex Workout for Fat Loss
See, I first met Master SFG Kettlebell Instructor Geoff Nupert a little over five years ago, at my first ever kettlebell certification. He is a SUPER knowledgable dude, and honestly one of the best KB pros I’ve had the opportunity to learn from in person, ever.
Over the last couple of years I have done a few of Geoff’s programs, particularly ones focusing on fat loss and kettlebell complexes. They have been BRUTAL – but also awesome, when it comes to results.
And now, Geoff and I recently re-connected through a mutual friend, and he’s got me doing some even CRAZIER workouts – like the one I’m sharing with you here today.
Ok – this video is only 5 minutes long, plus or minus a few seconds. Also, he’s written out the workout for you, including how to structure the rest for maximum calorie burning. Check it out here.
I bet you could lose a whole pound too by this time tomorrow doing the workout too! 😉
Okay, that’s it for now. Enjoy, and talk soon –
Forest Vance, MS, RKC II
PS – Almost forgot – I got a little video clip of ME doing the workout. You can check that out below (but make sure to watch Geoff’s version when you’re done, because he’ll walk you through exactly how to structure it for maximum benefit, and a lot more):